Other Activities


Effective Altruism
June 13, 2015, Prague 

Growing Influence of Authoritarians in the World
June 18, 2015, Prague

Education towards Democratic Citizenship
June 25, 2015, Prague

The Future of Europeand Our Role in It
September 17, 2015, Prague

Russia and Europe
October 3, 2015, Prague


Current State of Civil Society in Cuba
March 26, 2012, Prague
March 29, 2012, Hradec Králové

Annual Conference of the Czech-German Discussion Forum: Energy Policy
November 3, 2012, Ostrava

Immovable Property Review Conference
November 26–28, 2012, Prague

Joan Baez Gathering with Friends of Václav Havel
December 21, 2012, Prague


We Are Looking for Volunteers – Preparation for the NGO Market 2011
April 7, 2011, Prague

Mexico: Security and Prosperity
March 15, 2011, Prague

Political Culture in the Czech Republic
March 18, 2011, Prague

Inclusion of Minority Youth – A Tool to Combat Poverty and Social Exclusion
March 25 – April 1, 2011, Stip, Macedonia/FYROM

Me, a Volunteer!
March 31, 2011, Prague

Relief Fund for Japan Campaign
April 1, 2011, Prague

Europe has not lived up to the ideals that won the Cold War
April, 11, 2011, Prague

FLIM 2011 – Festival of Tibetan Films
April 13 - 15, 2011, Prague

„Together to Get There“
April 13–20, 2011, Busteni, Romania

Latin American Insight

Tibet of the Mind 2011
May 14 - 30, 20011, Prague

Mobility and European Citizenship
January–May 2011, Berlin, Germany; London, United Kingdom; Prague, Czech Republic; Krakow, Poland

How Can Central European Civil Society Assist the Egyptian Transition?
June 6, 2011, Prague

Public Talk by His Holiness the Dalai Lama
December 11, 2011, Prague

Democracy and Human Rights in Asia: One Year After an Empty Chair in Oslo
December 11, 2011, Prague


Análisis de la Situación en Centroamérica en el Marco del Acuerdo de Asociación con la Unión Europea
February 16, 2010, Madrid

Open letter to the Government of Venezuela on the arrest of Oswaldo Álvarez Paz
March 31, 2010, Prague

Youth in Conflicts – Training on Conflict Management
April 11–19, 2010, Břežany

Forgotten Victims
April 22–23, 2010, Prague

The Power of Social Networks
September 22, 2010, Prague

Hiroshima – Nagasaki 1945–2010
October 12 – November 14, 2010, Prague

Active Participation in Public Space
December 9, 2010, Prague


Statement: Another Year Lost for Israel and Palestine
January, 2009, Prague

Economy, Ideology, Human Rights: China, Tibet and the World Powers
January 12, 2009, Prague

Death in Lhasa
April, 2012, Prague

Youth Leadership Training
April 17–24, 2009, Česká Skalice

Article: The Ghost of Appeasement
June, 2012, Prague

Holocaust Era Assets
June 26–30, 2009, Prague

Peace, Democracy and Human Rights in Asia
September 10–11, 2009, Prague

Freedom and its Adversaries
November 14, 2009, Prague


A Rose for the 'Unfree'
June 15, 2005, Prague


The future of transatlantic relations
December 8, 2004, Prague

Irish experience
May 18, 2004, Prague

Democracy and security
April 22, 2004, Prague


Quo Vadis, Europa?
May 15, 2003, Prague

Forum 2000 Exhibition

The Forum 2000 travelling exhibition, a collection of ten panels consisting of photographs and quotations from the conferences, is one of our activities aiming to inform the public about the Forum 2000 project. The exhibition, accompanied by a TV documentary, was presented in Tokyo, Paris, London and New York, where it was officially opened by the founders of the Forum 2000, President Václav Havel and Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel.