The Future of Transatlantic Relations
December 8th, 2004, Prague
CERGE-EI, Politických vězňů 7, Praha 1, 14.00 - 16.00
Brief Outcome: The Future of Transatlantic Relations
"Peace in the Middle East is one of the most important elements of good transatlantic relations," said former NATO Secretary General Lord George Robertson at today´s panel discussion. Other participants of the panel discussion were former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Alexander Vondra and former NATO Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs Klaus-Peter Klaiber. The discussion, organized by the FORUM 2000 Foundation in cooperation with the Association for International Affairs and the Prague Society for International Cooperation, was moderated by Jan Urban.
"It is understandable that not all EU countries agree with the measures concerning war on terrorism taken by the US. However, EU countries should bear in mind that European problems with the US aren´t seen as important as they seem to us in other parts of the world, e.g. in Australia, where I currently live," said Klaus-Peter Klaiber. Alexander Vondra stressed necessity of the strong transatlantic relations, because there is a host of common threats. One of them is, according to him, the so called "Islamic Bolshevism". Despite many defficiencies in the US-EU relations and despite the European military weakness, Lord Robertson is optimistic about the results of mutual cooperation: "As an example I would like to mention current situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina where the NATO troops succesfully stabilized situation."
Participants of the discussion agreed on the necessity of existence of a balanced transatlantic relation and more active participation of the EU in solving the problems of today´s world.