„Europe Has Not Lived Up to the Ideals that Won the Cold War”

April 11, 2011, Prague

New York University’s Prague Institute for Democracy, Economy, and Culture in cooperation with the Forum 2000 Foundation and Czech Syndicate of Journalists organized a PIDEC public debate entitled “Europe has not lived up to the ideals that won the Cold War”.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Richtrův dům, Malé náměstí 11, Prague 1
1st floor, entrance from the arcade


17:00 – 17:25    Registration
17:30                Welcoming Remarks
17:35 – 19:30    Public Debate

John Lloyd, Financial Times
For motion:

Martin Woollacott, The Guardian
Peter Preston, The Guardian
Jiří Pehe, NYU in Prague
Against motion:

Edward Lucas, The Economist
Ann McElvoy, The Economist
Daniel Kaiser, Lidové Noviny

The debate was held in English.
This event was free and open to all with no ticket required.