Obrana demokracie v Myanmaru
5. února 2021
Demokratické organizace z celého světa vyzývají myanmarskou armádu, aby plně respektovala výsledky nedávných celostátních voleb, propustila všechny zadržené politické vůdce a představitele občanské společnosti, zdržela se násilí a umožnila zemi provést skutečné demokratické reformy.
Jsme hluboce znepokojeni zadržením prezidenta Win Myina, premiérky Aun Schan Su Ťij, předsedy volební komise pro unii (UEC) U Hla Theina, členů Národní ligy pro demokracii (NLD) a vůdců občanské společnosti, a naléháme na jejich okamžité propuštění.
Odmítáme tvrzení, že vojenský převrat je v souladu s myanmarskou ústavou a že nedávné volby byly zfalšované. I když podle prohlášení 12 místních monitorovacích organizací měly listopadové volby určité vady v důsledku opatření proti šíření COVID-19 a nedostatky ve volebním procesu, „výsledky voleb byly právoplatné a odrážely vůli většiny.“ Důrazně odsuzujeme šíření dezinformací za účelem ospravedlnění přerušení demokratického procesu.
Demokratická transformace Myanmaru byla nekonzistentní a plná výzev. Demokracie přesto nabízí nejspolehlivější záruky v oblasti ochrany lidské důstojnosti, zajištění legitimní správy věcí veřejných a prosazování svobody všech lidí. Vyjadřujeme naši solidaritu s obyvateli Myanmaru a potvrzujeme naši neochvějnou podporu jejich demokratickým aspiracím.
V návaznosti na globální Výzvu k obraně demokracie a Pražskou výzvu pro demokratickou obnovu vyzýváme mezinárodní společenství – zejména demokratické vlády – aby jednalo rozhodně za účelem ochrany demokracie v Myanmaru i po celém světě.
Organizace (k 5. únoru 2021)
Asia Democracy Network
Association for Election and Democracy (PERLUDEM)
Citizen Power Initiatives for China
Democracy Research Institute (DRI)
Democracy Today
Democratic Decay & Renewal
Economic Policy Research Center (EPRC)
Election Monitoring and Democracy Studies Center
Executive Director at Women's Peace Network
Forum 2000
Freedom House
iLaw (Thailand)
Incarner l’Espoir
Institute for Public Affairs
International IDEA
International Partnership for Human Rights (IPHR) )
Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and the Rule of Law
Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group
National Endowment for Democracy
Parliamentary Centre
Progressive Arch
Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights
Sassoufit collective
The Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS)
The International Center for Innovation, Transformation and Excellence in Governance (INCITEGov)
The Oslo Center
V-Dem Institute
World Uyghur Congress
Centre for Democracy and Development
Center for Development and Democracy (CDD)
Sector 3
Endowment Prodemos
Democracy International
Alliance of Democracies Foundation
Al-Tahreer Association for Development (TAD)
Justice for All/Burma Task Force
Social Empowerment through education and knowledge - SEEK
The Lithuanian Parliament (Seimas) Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Jednotlivci (k 5. únoru 2021)
Sergio Aguayo, Professor, Colegio de Mexico, Visiting Scientist, Harvard University
Leila Alieva, President, Center for National and International Studies
Laura Alonso, 2021/21 Reagan-Fascell Fellow, NED
Yahya Assiri, Secretary-General of the National Assembly Party - NAAS
Line Bareiro, Lawyer, Political scientist
Christine Bell, Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Edinburgh; Former Member of International IDEA's Board of Advisers
Nicole Bibbins Sedaca, Chair, Global Politics and Security Concentration and Professor in the Practice of International Affairs, Georgetown University
Sonja Biserko, Chair, Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia
Gerardo Bongiovanni, President, Fundación Libertad
Ladan Boroumand, Co-founder and Senior Fellow, Abdorrahman Boroumand Center for Human Rights in Iran
Marcus Brauchli, Managing Partner, North Base Media
Elmar Brok, Former Member of the European Parliament; Former Chairman, the European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee
Andreas Bummel, Executive Director, Democracy Without Borders
Gianni Buquicchio, President of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission)
Martin Bútora, Founder and Honorary President, Institute for Public Affairs
Thomas Carothers, Senior Vice President for Studies, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Kevin Casas-Zamora, Secretary-General, International IDEA
Ateki Seta Caxton, Executive Director, Network for Solidarity, Empowerment and Transformation for All
Cristiana Chamorro, Founder, the Violeta Chamorro Foundation
Ketty W. Chen, Vice President, Taiwan Foundation for Democracy
Laura Chinchilla, Former President of Costa Rica; Member of International IDEA's Board of Advisers
Javier Corrales, Professor, Amherst College in Amherst
Irwin Cotler, Former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
Manuel Cuesta Morúa , Spokeperson, Progressive Arch, Proposal2020-Cuba in Plural
Tom Daly, Director, Democratic Decay & Renewal
Wang Dan, Founder, Think Tank Dialogue China
Srdjan Darmanovic , Professor, University of Montenegro; Former Foreign Minister of Montenegro; Former Ambassador of Montenegro to the USA
Frederik Willem de Klerk, Former President, South Africa
Humberto de la Calle, Former Vice President of Colombia
Liliana De Riz, Academic Advisor, Centro para la Apertura y el Desarrollo de America Latina (CADAL)
Ronald Deibert, Director, Citizen Lab
Neelam Deo, retd Ambassador, Indian Foreign Service
Larry Diamond, Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution
Boris Dittrich, Member of the Senate of the Netherlands
Brigitte Dufour, Director , International Partnership for Human Rights (IPHR) )
Rafał Dutkiewicz , Former City Mayor of Wroclaw, Poland
Andrej Dynko, Editor-in-chief, Nasha Niva
Norman Eisen, Senior Fellow, Brookings
João Carlos Espada, Director, Institute for Political Studies, Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Gareth Evans, President Emeritus, International Crisis Group
Nino Evgenidze, Executive Director, Economic Policy Research Center (EPRC)
Carlos Fara, Vicepresident, CADAL
Lee Feinstein, Ambassador (ret.) , IU Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies
Jan Fischer, Former Prime Minister of the Czech Republic
Francis Fukuyama, Senior Fellow, Stanford University
William Galston, Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution
Adolfo Garcé, Professor, the Political Science Institute, Universidad de la República in Montevideo
Carl Gershman, President, National Endowment for Democracy
Eka Gigauri, Executive Director, Transparency International – Georgia
Audrey Glover, Chair of Trustees, Foreign Policy Centre
Ana Gomes, Former Member of the European Parliament
Nicole Goodman, Associate Professor, Brock University; Member of International IDEA's Board of Advisers
Leonid Gozman, President, Union of Right Forces
E. Gyimah-Boadi, Interim CEO and Board Chair, Afrobarometer
Tomáš Halík, President, Czech Christian Academy
Thor Halvorssen, President, Human Rights Foundation
Sascha Hannig, Global Program's Coordinator, FPP Chile
Husain Haqqani, Former Ambassador of Pakistan to the United States, Director, South & Central Asia, Hudson Institute
Heidi Hautala, MEP, Vice-president of the European Parliament Finland
Maiko Ichihara, Associate Professor, Hitotsubashi University
Hasler Iglesias, Youth Coordinator, Voluntad Popular
Jose Miguel Insulza, Former Secretary of the OAS, National Senator of Chile
Francine Jácome, Executive Director, Instituto Venezolano de Estudios Sociales y Políticos
Ramin Jahanbegloo, Professor , Jindal Global University
Hisham Kassem, Former Chairman, The Egyptian Organization for Human Rights
Jean-Pierre Kingsley, Chief Electoral Officer of Canada 1990-2007
Marcus Kissa, Coordinator , Sassoufit collective
Jakub Klepal, Executive Director, Forum 2000
Bassma Kodmani, Political scientist, Democracy activist
David Kramer, Former Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights And Labor,
Celso Lafer, Emeritus Professor University of São Paulo; Member of International IDEA's Board of Advisers
Sook Jong Lee, Co-Representative, Asia Democracy Research Network
Guy Mafimba, Representative in Europe, Frocad-IDC-CJ3M
Amichai Magen, Director of the Program on Democratic Resilience and Development , Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy, and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
Anar Mammadli, Chairperson, Election Monitoring and Democracy Studies Center
Giorgi Margvelashvili, Former President of Georgia
Myroslav Marynovych, Vice-Rector, Ukrainian Catholic University
Radwan A. Masmoudi, President, Center for the Study of Islam & Democracy (CSID)
Penda Mbow, President, Mouvement Citoyen
Markus Meckel, Former Foreign Minister, Former Member of German Bundestag,
Stefan Meister, Head of Office, Heinrich Böll Foundation
Thomas Melia, Washington Director, PEN America
Dan Meridor, Former Minister of Finance and Justice, Israel
Carlos Mesa, Former President of Bolivia
Jean Marie Michel Mokoko, Political prisoner , CJ3M
Carlos Alberto Montaner, Dissident, Cuba
Giorgi Muchaidze, Executive Director, Atlantic Council of Georgia
Thomas Mulcair, Former Leader, New Democratic Party of Canada
Alina Mungiu-Pippidi, Democracy Chair, Hertie School of Governance
Surendra Munshi, Independent Researcher and Consultant, India
Joshua Muravchik, Adjunct Professor, Institute of World Politics
Moises Naim, Distinguished Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Andrea Ngombet, Founder, Incarner l’Espoir
Ghia Nodia, Founding Director, Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development
Suzanne Nossel, CEO of PEN America
Wai Wai Nu, Human Rights and Democracy Activist, Executive Director at Women's Peace Network
Ayo Obe, Legal Practitioner, Nigeria
André Okombi Salissa , Political prisoner , Frocad-IDC-CJ3M
Martin Palouš, Senior Fellow, Director of Vaclav Havel Program for Human Rights and Diplomacy, Florida International University
Žygimantas Pavilionis, Chairman of Foreign Affairs Committee, Lithuanian Parliament
Michael Pinto-Duschinsky, Founder Governor, Westminster Foundation for Democracy; Former Director, International Foundation for Electoral Systems
Andrei Piontkovsky , Writer and Visiting Fellow, Hudson Institute
Marc F. Plattner, Coeditor Emeritus, Journal of Democracy
Bhojraj Pokharel, Former Chief Election Commissioner of Nepal; Co-Chair, the Carter Center’s Election Observation Mission in 2015 Myanmar’s Parliamentary Election
Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Professor, Chulalongkorn University
Arch Puddington, Senior Scholar Emeritus, Freedom House
Vesna Pusic, Professor, U. of Zagreb, former Minister of Foreign Affairs , Croatia
Iveta Radičová, Professor, Massmedia Faculty Paneuropen University Slovakia
Rafael Rincón, Director, Fundación para El Progreso
Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, Former President of Costa Rica
Petre Roman, Former Prime Minister of Romania
Jacques Rupnik, Research Professor, Sciences Po
Gabriel Salvia, General Director, CADAL
Andrei Sannikov, Ambassador, European Belarus Foundagtion
Bengt Säve-Söderbergh, Former Secretary-General, International IDEA
Hugh Segal, Former Chair, Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, Canada
Fatiha Serour, Former ASG, Somalia
Gulnara Shahinain, Chair, Democracy Today
Natan Sharansky, Former Deputy Prime Minister of Israel and Minister of Housing and Construction
John Shattuck, Senior Fellow, Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, Harvard Kennedy School
Lilia Shevtsova, Board Member, Liberal Mission Foundation
Michael Shifter , President, the Inter-American Dialogue; Adjunct Professor of Latin American Studies, Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service
Vasil Sikharulidze, Chairman, Atlantic Council of Georgia
David Skaggs, Former US Congressman; Vice-Chair of the Board, National Endowment for Democracy
Eduardo Ulibarri Bilbao, Journalist
Kenneth Wollack, Chairman, National Endowment for Democracy
Jianli Yang, President, Citizen Power Initiatives for China
Leyla Yunus, Director, Institute for Peace and Democracy
Yevgeniy Zakharov, Director, Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group
Nino Zambakhidze, Chairwoman, Georgian Farmers’ Association
Michael Žantovský, Executive Director, Václav Havel Library
Yevgeniy Zhovtis, Director, Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and the Rule of Law
Ketevan Chachava, Steering Committee Member, World Movement for Democracy
Idayat Hassan, Director, Centre for Democracy and Development
Natia Zoidze, Executive Director, Sector 3
Archil Kanchaveli, Chairperson, Endowment Prodemos
Tamara Adrian, Member, National Assembly of Venezuela
Eric Bjornlund, President, Democracy International
Titi Anggraini, Member of the Advisory Board, Association of Elections and Democracy (Perludem)
Bambang Harymurti, Editor in Chief, Tempo
Thomas E. Garrett, Secretary General, Community of Democracies
Uwe Holtz, Professor of Political Science, University of Bonn; Former Member, the German Bundestag and Chairman, Parliamentary Committee for Economic Cooperation and Development; Former Member, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe – Germany
Daya Sagar Shrestha, Chairperson, National Campaign for Sustainable Development Nepal
Serena Sasingian, Co-founder, The Voice Inc.; Member of International IDEA's Board of Advisers
Melanne Verveer, Former US Ambassador for Global Women’s Issues
Danielle Piatkiewicz, Project Manager, Alliance of Democracies Foundation
Abdalaziz Younis Aljarba, Executive Director, Al-Tahreer Association for Development (TAD)
Adem Carroll, UN Programs Director, Justice for All/Burma Task Force
Sher Afzal Gujjar, Executive Director, Social Empowerment through education and knowledge - SEEK
Emanuelis Zingeris, MP; Chairman, Lithuanian Parliament (Seimas) Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, The Lithuanian Parliament (Seimas) Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe