Videozáznamy ze 17. konference Forum 2000 „Společnosti v přerodu“, která se uskutečnila ve dnech 15.–17. září 2013.
Doprovodné akce
Opening Ceremony
(keynote speech by Aung San Suu Kyi)
Conference Opening
(keynote speech by H.H. the Dalai Lama)
Gala Dinner with Yoani Sánchez
Veřejná přednáška Jeho Svatosti dalajlamy: Laskavost a vzájemná úcta v dnešní společnosti
(přednáška je konsekutivně tlumočena do češtiny)
Meet the Press
His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Press Conference
Aung San Suu Kyi
Societies in Transition: Do We Have Universal Aspirations?
Risks of Transitions
Societies in Transition: Do We Have Universal Aspirations?
The Values We Share
Transitions of the Political System
Dealing with the Past
The Road to Good Governance
keynote speech by Aung San Suu Kyi
Tahrir, Taksim, Sao Paulo: A New Generation of Politics?
Civil Society: Still a Force for Positive Change?
Democratic Capitalism: Still a Model to Follow?
Religion and Ethics
Democracy, Human Rights and Religious Freedom in East Asia
The Role of Religion in Transitional Processes
External Influences
Role lidských práv v české zahraniční politice
The Role of External Actors in Transforming Countries
Transition Processes
Civil Society in Middle Eastern Transitions
Role of the Security Apparatus in Countries Affected by the Arab Spring
Transition in a Multiethnic Society: A South African Experience
remarks by Frederik Willem de Klerk
Travails of the Current Transitions in the Middle East
Special Focus
Transforming Cities: Towards Smart Forms of Governance?