Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions are an integral part of the application of participation in any event organized or co-organized by the Forum 2000 Foundation. Participants shall be bound by these Terms and Conditions and consent to their contents upon registration to a Forum 2000 event.
Submission of the registration form does not entitle attendance at the respective event. As organizers, the Forum 2000 Foundation reserves the right to rescind an invitation and reject a registration, amend or cancel it. Attendance at a previous Forum 2000 event does not entitle attendance at current or future Forum 2000 events.
The organizers reserve the right to share limited registration data with its general, main and/or program partners.
The organizers reserve the right to cancel any and all registrations for an event due to deteriorating situations regarding the Covid-19 pandemic either in the participant’s country of residence or in Czechia, or for any other reason, at any time. The organizers are not liable for any damage or financial loss incurred by a participant due to such cancelation of their registration.
Participants traveling from abroad are advised to purchase travel insurance prior to traveling to Czechia. The organizers are not responsible for damage or loss of a participant’s property arising from any accident or incident during their stay in Czechia.
During on-site registration, participants will be asked to present an official ID card or passport as proof of their identity. For security reasons, participants may be subjected to a security check upon arrival at the conference venue. No large luggage will be allowed inside the conference venue.
Participants are expected to conduct themselves in an acceptable, respectful manner towards the organizing team, volunteers and fellow participants.
Any violation of the Terms and Conditions may result in immediate exclusion from the premises of the conference.
Participants acknowledge that events may be broadcasted, recorded and made available on the website (www.forum2000.cz) and/or social media channels of the organizers as video footage and/or photos. The agenda and list of speakers may also be published via these channels.
Future invitations to events organized or co-organized by the Forum 2000 Foundation may be revoked in case of non-attendance at an event to which they have a confirmed registration, and whereby advanced apologies are not received by the organizing team.