Imigrace, občanství a multikulturalismus v měnícím se světě

17. března 2006, Praha

New York University ’s Prague Institute for Democracy, Economy, and Culture, in cooperation with Polish Institute in Prague and Forum 2000 Foundation invite you to a conference: IMMIGRATION, CITIZENSHIP, AND MULTICULTURALISM IN A CHANGING WORLD

Friday, March 17, 2006, 9am – 6.15pm

The Polish Institute
Male namesti 1, Prague 1, Auditorium,
1st floor, entrance from Karlova ulice 27

The conference will be held in English.

8.30-9.00am Registration

Panel I:  9am-10.45 am

Immigration and Politics 
(How is politics affecting immigration? Is the extreme right on the rise in Europe? How various social divisions contribute to problems with integration? What is the role of various models of citizenship and national identity in integrating immigrants?)

Jiri Musil (Charles University and NYU)

Martin Schain, (Politics, New York Univeristy)
Willem Maas (European Studies, NYU)
Pavel Barsa (Charles University in Prague)
Leah Haus (Vassar College)

10.45-11.00 am Coffee Break

Panel II: 11am – 1pm
Immigration, the Economy and Social Issues
(How do various economic models—European welfare state vs. liberalism—affect the ability of immigrants to integrate? Is immigration an economic necessity for Western countries? How can education help with integrating immigrants?)

Evzen Kocenda (Charles University, CERGE)

Yaw Nyarko (Vice Provost for Globalization & Multicultural Affairs, NYU)
Pavel Kohout (PPF, Prague)
Elise Langan (European Studies, NYU)
Salim Murad (University of Southern Bohemia)

Lunch: 1pm-2pm

Panel III: 2pm-4pm

Immigration, Media, Identity and Culture
(Are modern media making the integration of immigrants easier or are they part of the problem? What types of interaction between the original identity of immigrants and the culture of host countries can we see today? What role is played by religions?)

Oldřich Černý (Forum 2000)

Ted Magder (Culture and Communication, School of Education, NYU)
Mustapha Tlili (Dialogues: Islamic World-U.S.-The West, NYU)
Arvind Rajagopal (Culture and Communication, School of Education, NYU)
Radha Hegde (Culture and Communication, School of Education, NYU)
Tomas Klvana (NYU in Prague)

4pm – 4.15pm Coffee Break

Panel IV: 4.15pm-6.15pm

General Framework: Is Multiculturalism in Crisis?
(What are the various models of integration and assimilation of immigrants? Do they work? What are their shortcomings? What are the causes of suburb violence in France? Why has the British model produced terrorists?)

Jiri Pehe (New York University)

Jiri Priban (University of Wales, Cardiff)
Anupama Rao (Columbia University, New York)
Selma Muhic-Dizdarevic (Charles University, Prague)
Premysl Rosulek (University of West Bohemia)