NGO Market 2021

The Week for the Non-Profit Sector

The NGO Market 2021 Online Catalog

We have prepared the annual NGO Market Catalog also this year. You will find there a lot of inspiring information and interviews with the NGO Market partners. Check out the catalog to learn, among others, how your non-profit can reach out to our partners. It is available on the Czech version of this website.

Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, Information Office of the European Parliament in the Czech Republic, and Nadační fond pomoci are among our partners this year. 



Sustainability and resilience – how to fulfill your mission in the long term?

13:00 - 14:00, online
Impact Hub Praha

How can sustainability and resilience support us on the way to fulfilling the organization's mission? How can this perspective serve us and what can we take from it? Theoretical grounding and specific tips for turbulent times.

Ivana Štefková, Networker, Impact Hub Praha

You can watch the recording of the workshop here

What does “good” look like?

16:00 - 17:00, online
Impact Hub Praha

Goodness and kindness are part of Czech society, even if sometimes the actions and words of its members seem to speak to the contrary. The pandemic that entered our lives has highlighted a particular representative of good – a person who has an open mind and heart and, according to their possibilities and abilities, selflessly helps where they are needed. For goodness and kindness in our society to take root as deep as possible, it is necessary to continue to believe in goodness and seek our paths to it. So what does good look like and where does the willingness to help arise? What role does a personal responsibility for the good play here? In what areas we can help and in what volunteer activities can we participate? What questions do we need to answer before starting volunteering? What returns goodness to the one who gives it?

Linda Jandejsková, Founder and director, Cyril Mooney Education, z.s.
Dominika Trčková, Program manager of the "Laskavost" initiative, Karel Janečkek Foundation
Barbora Trojak, Press agent, Junak – Czech Scouting
Hana Sedláková, PR manager, Nadace VIA

You can watch the recording of the debate here


How to keep and support the inner motivation of employees and volunteers in NGOs

14:00 - 15:00, online
U.S. Embassy in the Czech Republic

NGOs are sustained by the people – employees, volunteers, board members – who carry out the mission. The demands and expectations placed on NGOs are always high, while the resources are never enough. How do we sustain the people in such a challenging environment? What can NGOs do to support, motivate, inspire, and appreciate employees and volunteers? This workshop will share best practices from grassroots NGOs in the United States and invite participants to share their own experiences and insights.

Hilary Binder-Aviles, Independent Consultant

You can watch the recording of the workshop here

How to promote goodness? Effective lobbying in the non-profit sector. Only for registered participants.

17:00 - 18:00, online

The debate was open just for the registered participants.

The term "lobbying", due to its media image and coverage, is not always positively perceived. But it’s a legitimate, rightful and often fundamental tool for advancing our causes. Ethically well-set lobbying, even if sometimes we do not realize it, is also one of the key missions of non-profit organizations that seek to preserve nature, improve the situation of disabled people, or protect human rights in non-democratic countries. But how to lobby properly? And where? What are the examples of effective lobbying in the environment of Czech non-profit organizations? What are the main tools? What works and what to avoid?

Natálie Češková, student of the International and Diplomatic Studies, VŠE Prague and author of the bachelor thesis "The access of Czech non-governmental actors to development policies of the EU"
Tomáš Komm, Advocacy Officer, People in Need Foundation
Sabina Malcová, Executive Director, DEMAS - Association for Democracy Assistance and Human Rights
Pavel Přibyl, Director, FORS - Czech Forum for Development Cooperation
Karel Škácha, Director, Anticorruption Endowment (Nadační fond proti korupci)


Has the pandemic changed how the donors perceive the role of non-profit organizations?

16:00 - 17:00, online

Non-profit organizations are one of the key indicators of a healthy and democratic society. They represent a citizens' bottom-up initiative that brings concrete action aimed at a particular problem in society and through these activities they want to participate in its overall development. How has the pandemic influenced the way we perceive non-profit organizations? Has this new reality changed the ways of fundraising? Has it brought any new opportunities for the non-profits to find partners and to cooperate with individuals and companies? Are there any examples of what has worked in a time of crisis and what has not? What is the lesson the non-profits can learn from the pandemic?

Réka Heszterényi, Public and partner relations manager, Foundation For Democratic Youth, Hungary
Filip Pazderski, Head of the Democracy and Civil Society Programme and analyst, Institute of Public Affairs, Poland
Taťána Plecháčková, Director, The Civil Society Development Foundation, Czech Republic
Nikola Strachová, Head of Network, Anna Lindh Foundation Czech network, Czech Republic

You can watch the recording of the debate here


How to reach the public in 20 seconds? Examples of inspirational spots and offer of spot campaigns for non-profit organizations on Czech Television

13:00 - 14:00, online
Czech Television

The workshop will showcase examples of inspiring spot campaigns, both domestic and foreign. It will provide basic tips on how to create an interesting spot, how to continue to work with it effectively and on which platforms it can be presented. It will also present the Czech Television offer of free spot campaigns for non-profit organizations.

Lucie Macháčková, Manager of nonlinear self-promotion and innovation in Czech Television, stand-up entertainer and moderator
Jiří Váňa, Manager of charity projects in Czech Television

You can watch the recording of the workshop here

Is the Czech Republic ready to implement the European Green Deal?

16:00 - 17:00, online
European Parliament Office in the Czech Republic

The European Green Deal plan contains measures to promote resource efficiency through the transition to a clean circular economy and to prevent biodiversity loss and reduce pollution. Is the Czech Republic ready to meet the objectives of the European Green Deal? What steps should be taken to be able to achieve them? Does the Green Deal represent a real investment opportunity for Europe to transform the economy and address the climate crisis? Has the current pandemic affected the actions and approach of the Czech Republic in preparing for the fulfilment of the European Green Deal commitments?

Anna Kárniková, Director, Hnutí Duha
Stanislav Polčák, Eureopean Parliament, Member ENVI Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
Pavel Zámyslický, Director of the Department of Energy and Climate Protection, Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic
Klára Sutlovičová, Associate Central Europe and Turkey, European Climate Foundation

You can watch the recording of the debate here


Professional course: How to prepare a crowdfunding campaign online. Crowdfunding is not a modern form of begging.

9:30 - 12:30, online
Nadační fond pomoci
The course was open just for the registered participants.

Crowdfunding provides nonprofits with the opportunity to raise funds for their projects, as well as an opportunity to expand the range of services for their clients. What exactly is crowdfunding and what can it bring to your organization? Why should it be seen more broadly than as just one of the tools of fundraising? How exactly to build a crowdfunding campaign to be successful and what to look out for? What possibilities does the znesnáze21 provide?

Čestmír Horký, Director, Nadační fond pomoci and founder of the project "znesnáze21"

New challenges in elderly care

16:00 - 17:00, online

Nowadays, we often emphasize speed and youth. We frequently replace what is no longer functional and new. Old age seems to be relegated to the background. However, old age is a natural part of our life, just like childhood or adolescence. As we get older, we don't just become "one of the seniors". We remain the same person with our life stories, experiences and needs. But is it so? What has the current pandemic taught us about the care system and ourselves? Can we protect the elderly? Do seniors want to be protected in the first place? Where does free will end and higher necessity begins? Will the current crisis help to develop already existing services? Will we be able to use the crisis as an opportunity? How does work with seniors enrich us? What will our ageing look like?

Jiří Hrabě, director, Elpida, o.p.s.
Matěj Lejsal, director, Domov Sue Ryder, z. ú.
Lucie Vidovićová, sociologist and researcher, Masaryk University
Simona Bagarová, social services manager, Management pro neziskovky

You can watch the recording of the debate here