Festival of Democracy 2021
The associated program of the 25th Forum 2000 Conference
October 10 – 16, 2021, Prague and other cities
The Festival of Democracy is the associated program of the Forum 2000 Conference. Our mission is to celebrate civic activity as a cornerstone of a free and democratic society. The project seeks to bring together people of different interests and backgrounds who, sharing their ideas and opinions, build tolerance, stronger civil society and the local community. We also aim to inspire public debate and raise awareness of the citizen's responsibility for our society.
The Festival of Democracy hosts lectures, discussions, exhibitions and other activities that complement the Forum 2000 conference program, which this year, entitled "What Now? Building Back Democratically", focuses on the following topics: global cooperation between democracies, the contest between authoritarianism and democracy in the digital realm, and the renewal of democracy via active citizenship. The project contributes to the development of cultural and community life, encourages the public to take responsibility for the world we are living in, and promotes discussion and exchange of ideas between people.
What events can I attend?
In 2021, the Festival took place from October 10 to 16, offered 14 events - lectures, discussions, artistic performances, film screenings and other activities, organised in cooperation with civil society organisations.
For more information follow our social networks and website of Festival of Democracy.
Festival of Democracy is part of the Let's Talk Together (in czech Mluvme spolu) project.