Safeguarding Democracy vis-a-vis the Challenge from China


The Chinese communist regime represents a global concern. Combining the concentration of political and economic power as well as taking advantage of its technological lead, China is creating geopolitical and social consequences while undermining the traditional concept of human rights and trying to replace it with its own twisted approach. The PRC faces serious accusations of human rights violations, including cultural genocide, use of forced labor, mass detentions of the Muslim population in Xinjiang and the use of the state security law to erode the last remnants of freedom in Hong Kong.

Towards Taiwan, the regime is sending inadmissible signals through military threats. In addition, the communist state's authoritarian pressure on Taiwan is ubiquitous, embodied in frequent protest statements by the Chinese government, including warnings to states that establish a friendly relationship with Taiwan, as well as a large-scale disinformation campaign on the Internet.

Taken together, all of this undermines the fragile foundations of democracy and human rights in the East Asia region and, given the globalized world, has a negative impact on those values worldwide. The project addresses the above-mentioned challenges to democracy and human rights raised by China and heads for strengthening of democracy and human rights in the East Asia region.

The project builds on the activities of Information Centre for Democracy and Human Rights in China.

The general goals of the project are providing objective information on China as well as analysis and defense of democracy against the subversive influence of the CCP. In order to achieve them, Forum 2000 organizes individual activities, especially panel discussions, usually set in a broader framework of the annual Forum 2000 Conferences. This reflects the need for international cooperation on the issue, while placing the topic in a global framework and connecting experts on the theme with an international network of democrats. In addition, the foundation seeks to include the project theme in another promo channel represented by #Forum2000online, a unique series of interviews on democracy and human rights. Also, the Chinese issue is monitored continuously by the International Coalition for Democrational Renewal China Working Group.

The topic of the digital threat to liberal democracies, among others on the part of the Chinese leadership, was addressed in the discussion titled Facing the Authoritarian Techno-Challenge within the 25th Forum 2000 Conference

Or listen to the video interview (from April 29, 2021) with Xiao Qiang, professor at UC Berkeley School of Information and the founder of China Digital Times, on the topic of digital authoritarianism in China was published in the #Forum2000online Chat.
