About the Project
Market of non-governmental organizations is a unique one-day event, which has been growing in size and scope since its inception in 2000. NGOs active in education, volunteering, human rights, environmental and other issues are given an opportunity to present their activities to broad public, establish new partnerships, address potential sponsors and volunteers, and even gain valuable know-how needed for successful NGO-management.
NGO Market 2011
12th Annual Non-profit Fair
April 29, 2011, National Technical Library, Prague
More than 150 non-profit organizations presented their activities to the public at the 12th annual NGO Market, which took place on Friday, April 29, 2011 in the National Technical Library in Prague. Visitors had the opportunity to discover the diverse activities of non-profit organizations and to learn about all the possible ways of getting involved in their projects, either as clients, volunteers or donors. A change for this fair was the expansion of associated events for the public. The fair put special emphasis on volunteering and its possibilities under the motto “Do something for yourself!”
Video spot for the 2011 NGO Marketu with Boris Hybner, patron of the fair
A short documentary about the fair
Patrons of the Fair
The patronage of the fair was assumed by Václav Havel and Aleksandra Udženija, Councilor of Prague. The patrons of the 2011 NGO Market were the singer Tonya Graves and the actor Boris Hybner, who are both engaged in volunteering on a long-term basis. Their stories prove that there are many ways to help and that each person can find their own fit.
Major Partner


Media Partners

Cooperating Organizations
VIA Foundation
Asociace NNO v ČR
Czech Donors Forum
British Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic
American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic
Mensa ČR
Agora Central Europe
Asociace veřejně prospěšných organizací
Official photographer of the 2011 NGO Market was Marc Bader.
We would like to thank the following volunteers who devoted their free time and energy to the 2011 NGO Market
Barbora Adlerová, Berenika Bořecká, Irena Boušová, Maxim Byelikov, Lenka Čavojská, Veronika Dokulilová, Michaela Fuksová, Barbora Goláňová, Radka Hájková, Jana Hrčková, Jan Chalupný, Marina Isaacson, Veronika Jírová, Tomáš Kopečný, Petra Malinová, Zuzana Mjartanová, Leora Moreno, Jitka Nováková, Hana Novotná, Andrea Ondrušková, Ester Pěkná, Hana Potucká, Jan Potucký, Eva Sladičeková, Veronika Sladká, Anežka Svobodová, Michal Švajda, Martin Švorc, Radka Tomečková, Veronika Vanišová, Soňa Vedralová, Klára Vraštilová, Maryia Yankouskaya, Lea Zahradníková, Jana Zapletalová