The associated events of the fair fall into two categories – educational and cultural. All events will take place during the NGO Market on Friday, April 29, 2011 at the National Technical Library in Prague, and are open to the public free of charge.
The “Civil Society” Program includes discussions, workshops and lectures. The main theme of the program is volunteering, which is also the main motif of this year’s NGO Market. The cultural program will offer a variety of activities designed to make the visitor’s day at the fair more pleasant.
"Civil Society" Program
This part of the associated events will include discussions, workshops and lectures on the current issues that civil society deals with. The interesting introductory discussion, attended by Pamela Howley from the organization, should present basic information on volunteering to visitors from the wider public. All day, our advisors and volunteers will be available to answer questions and give advice in this field. Further discussions will be aimed at the volunteering programs of the European Union and corporate volunteering.
The connection of non-profit organizations to companies of the private sector will be the theme of other discussions, dedicated to issues such as trust between these two sectors and their communication. Lectures will be aimed at, for instance, the use of information technologies in the non-profit sector or at the financial management of non-profit organizations. The fair will be also complemented by an exhibition dedicated to volunteering.
Most of the events will take place in Czech, only three will be in English. The lectures “Volunteering. Let’s do Something for Ourselves” from 10:45 and “European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps” from 15:00 will be simultaneously translated into Czech. The workshop “Global Corporate Volunteering” from 13:30 will take place only in English.
10:45–11:45 Volunteering. Let's do Something for Ourselves (discussion)
12:00–13:15 Get Acquainted Safely! (projection and discussion)
12:00–13:15 Transparency and Trust (discussion)
12:00–13:15 Financial Management of Non-profit Organizations (lecture)
13:30–14:45 Corporate Social Responsibility. Respnsibly. (discussion)
13:30–14:45 Information Technologies for Non-profit Organiations and Online Fundraising (lecture)
13:30–14:45 Mentoring (presentation and discussion)
13:30–14:45 Global Corporate Volunteering (workshop)
15:00–15:30 Non-Profits and the United Nations (lecture)
15:00–15:30 "Take a Walk" on a Wheelchair (workshop)
15:00–16:15 European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps – What Needs to Be Done for It to Work? (discussion)
15:00–16:15 Human Resources and Employment Operational Program – Introducing the Challenges for Non-profit Organizations (workshop)
15:45–16:15 Czech ILCO: We Help in the Prevention of Colon Cancer (lecture)
16:30–17:45 Non-profit and Corporate Sector, How Can They Communicate? (discussion)
16:30–17:45 Who Decides…? (workshop)
16:30–17:45 (lecture)
18:00–19:00 New Trends in Communication (workshop)
Cultural Program
11:45 Opening
12:00 František Kostlán
12:45 Drum Circle
13:30 Marwan Al Solaiman
14:15 Jagalmaj
15:00 Czech Rugby Union
15:00 Helppes
15:45 Veronika Diamant
15:45 Lauder School Students
16:30 Piosenki
17:15 Veronika Diamant & SofaJazz
17:45 Lottery
18:00 Tonya Graves & Band