Thursday, October 4
Sewing the Czech National Flag with Zašívárna (EN/CZ)
18:00 - 20:00, Experimental Space NoD
In cooperation with the Linhart Foundation
Zašívárna is home to a sewing group that uses traditional techniques to create new, unique patterns. You are invited to make your own creations with our styling kits, or get help from our team of resident seamstress grannies. During the Democracy Zone Festival, our team and the public will help embroider a large national flag of the Czech Republic intended for subsequent display in the interior of the Café NoD.
Václav Havel: The Power of the Powerless (CZ)
20:00 - 21:30, Experimental Space NoD
In cooperation with the Linhart Foundation
Following the publication of Charter 77, Václav Havel was arrested and put into custody. He realized he was not mentally prepared for confinement despite his efforts to keep fit both mentally and physically.This production is not staged inside a theater, but in urban public spaces. Each performance thus brings out a new, original version taking into account the character of a given public space. Registration necessary.
Jiří Honzírek
Lonely Runner Ivan Štrpka Lives His Poem (SK)
16:30 - 18:30, POLIS Foundation
In cooperation with Polis Foundation Žilina
Ján Štrasser interviews Ivan Štrpka, poet, prosaist, translator, and a member of the legendary poet group Lonely Runners, who rejected official socialist poetry. In the 1970s, he couldn’t publish work because of his political views. His poetry created a dialogue about the type of world want to live in. As part of the accompanying program, students from Žilina will recite poems and sing songs with Štrpka's lyrics.
Ivan Štrpka, Ján Štrasser, Peter Ničík
Populism in Hungary: Anti-EU Rhetoric Versus National Interests? (HU)
18:00 - 20:00, Czech Center Budapest
In cooperation with the Center for European Neighborhood Studies (CEU)
Political discourse in Central Europe is increasingly shaped and influenced by EU-scepticism. This event will present the results of the "PopEUlism" project, focusing on EU institutions and policies, anti-migration attitudes, and trust in democracy, and will discuss whether Hungary is a laboratory case for modern European right-wing populism.
Friday, October 5
Take The Initiative: European Citizens’ Initiative as a Tool to Shape Europe (EN/CZ)
08:30 - 12:30, European House
In cooperation with the European Citizens' Initiative, EU Commission, and EUROPEUM
How do we make pan-European democracy work? How do we encourage citizens to use their power to make change? The European Citizens’ Initiative Roadshow travels to Prague to meet with citizens and talk about ways to influence European policymaking together. The workshop aims to discuss the state-of-play of citizen-powered democracy in the Czech Republic and share ideas for coordinating a successful European citizens’ initiative campaign—raising funds, building partnerships, raising awareness.
Register here.
Pregnancy, Birth, and Your Rights (CZ)
16:00 - 17:30, A-Centrum
In cooperation with the Union of Midwives
Many parents are unfamiliar with their rights relating to pregnancy and delivery care. Therefore, their rights are at risk of being unfulfilled, or potentially violated. Do you want to know what "informed consent" is? What is a delivery plan? What information, and what types of care, can you ask for? This lecture, which will be presented by a lawyer and a midwife, can help you answer these and other questions.
Adéla Hořejší, Ivana Königsmarková
Carolina Dutca: Places of Violence (EN/CZ)
Exhibition opening
18:00 - 20:00, Pragovka Gallery
In cooperation with People in Need
Carolina Dutca is a documentary photographer from the Transnistria region, specializing in long-term projects on human rights. Carolina is coming to Prague with her newest photo exhibition, which captures the powerful and unspoken stories of domestic violence in her native region.
Carolina Dutca
From Coal Smoke to Clean Energy Citizenship (CZ)
18:00 - 19:30, Langhans, People in Need Center
In cooperation with Greenpeace Czech Republic
Horni Jiřetín is a town in northern Bohemia which has been threatened by coal mining for many years. Thanks to the civic engagement of local people the town was saved. Now the town is starting to invest in a coal-free future. The local elementary school received a heat pump, and Greenpeace raised money for solar panels. What will be next? Will Jiretin become the first Czech energy cooperative?
Jan Freidinger, Jan Rovenský, Jakub Tadeáš Kucharič, Linda Friebertová
Jan Strýček et al.: Seven Sugar Cubes (CZ)
20:00 - 21:00, Experimental Space NoD
In cooperation with the Linhart Foundation
A drama on the nature of freedom, courage, and individual responsibility. When is the ideal time to defend freedom? How does one know if they are up for the task? This troubling and inspiring story is inspired by the life of political prisoner Josef Černohorský. Registration online.
Václav Zimmermann, Marta Sobotková, Jan Strýček, Tereza Černá, Tereza Pavelková, Nadan Pojer
Pregnancy, Birth, and Your Rights (CZ)
16:00 - 17:30, Mamicentrum, Brno
In cooperation with the Union of Midwives
Many parents are unfamiliar with their rights relating to pregnancy and delivery care. Therefore, their rights are at risk of being unfulfilled, or potentially violated. Do you want to know what "informed consent" is? What is a delivery plan? What information, and what types of care, can you ask for? This lecture, which will be presented by a lawyer and a midwife, can help you answer these and other questions.
Sandra Pašková, Jana Riedlová
Does Democracy Need a Kick(start)? (CZ)
18:00 - 21:00, International Environmental Education, Advisory, and Information on Water Protection Centre
In cooperation with Vodňany žijou
Have the humanist and democratic ideals that independent Czechoslovakia was founded on a hundred years ago been outlived? What causes growing distrust in democratic forms of society in the Czech Republic and elsewhere? Why is populist rhetoric entering the political mainstream? This discussion focuses on challenges democracy faces and possible state and local solutions to the crisis of public distrust.
Zdeněk Mihalco, Mikuláš Minář, Michal Parízek, Martina Hronková, Ondřej Ditrych
Saturday, October 6 - Festival Day
Festival Day at the Square of the Republic in Prague (CZ)
11:00 - 21:00, Square of the Republic, Prague
Forum 2000 Foundation in cooperation with the Linhart Foundation
At this full-day program in support of democracy and the civic sector, you can look forward to musical performances, author readings, presentations by 28 NGOs, and interviews with interesting people. More information is available here.
Mind Training: Tibetan Semjong - the Wisdom of the Dalai Lama and the Nalanda Masters (EN)
16:00 - 19:00, MAITREA - House of Personal Development
In cooperation with Spiti Sapan
This workshop presents a unique opportunity to learn about mental training and to explore the secrets of our consciousness from an authentic Tibetan master. How does our mind shape our experience in day-to-day life, and how we can use this as a basis for transforming our lives? Putting this ancient Tibetan wisdom into practice can provide a healing effect for the individual and, to a degree, for society.
Register here.
Geshe Tenzin Dhargye
LSD, Human Rights, and the Black Panthers: The Revolt of 1968 Reflected in Pop Music (CZ)
16:00 - 18:00, GASK Kutná Hora
In cooperation with the Gallery of the Central Bohemian Region
The year 1968 was significant for Czechoslovakia and other states because it inspired many societal and political upheavals. It took place during a free and experimental era where people questioned the status quo. Pop music from this era drew attention to societal struggles like the role of Black Power, pacifism, and more. Music journalist Pavel Klusák will capture the essence of the sixties by presenting some of this influential art.
Pavel Klusák
Sunday, October 7
China Beyond its Borders: From Tibetans to the Belt and Road (EN)
16:00 - 18:00, Café Kampus
Information Centre for Democracy and Human Rights in China in cooperation with Project Syndicate
What is China capable of? What can, or should, be done to hedge against its rise? For Tibetan exiles in particular, these are existential questions in urgent need of answers. This discussion will explore the impact of Beijing’s policies on the cohesion of the Tibetan diaspora, and also consider what the Tibetan experience says about China’s approach to defending its “core interests” abroad.
Juan Pablo Cardenal, Tenzing Rigdol, Lobsang Sangay, Greg Bruno, Kate Saunders, Martin Hála
Should We Pack? Wilting Liberal Democracy and the Rise of Anti-Semitism in Central Europe (EN/CZ)
16:00 - 17:30, Maisel Synagogue
In cooperation with the Jewish Museum in Prague
Anti-Semitism in Central Europe was dormant for decades, but unfortunately, it's back in the public sphere. In Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia, anti-Semitic motifs are used as an expedient tool in a search of a scapegoat who could be blamed for real and alleged domestic problems. Is rising anti-Semitism a concomitant effect of growing illiberalism? Will the Jews be yet again seen as ‘the Other’ and not part of the nation? Political leaders condoning anti-Semitism often keep very warm relations with Israel. How should a combination of anti-Semitism and pro-Zionism be explained?
Irena Kalhousová, Konstanty Gebert, Martin Poliačik, Jan Fingerland
Debate: Can the State Limit Freedom of Speech? (CZ)
18:00 - 20:00, Scout Institute
In cooperation with the Debate Clubs Association
Can the democratic state limit freedom of expression? We will try to find the answer to this question. In first part of the evening, the Czech national debate team will present arguments for and against the limitation of freedom of expression. This debate will be judged by accredited adjudicator. In the second part, you will have the opportunity to continue in discussion and share your own opinion.
Václav Soukup
Monday, October 8
How Thoughtful, Gifted Children Relate to Society and Democracy (CZ)
15:00 - 17:00, European House
In cooperation with Společnost pro talent a nadání /STaN/
If the world is to be better, it needs open-minded children who want to seek truth and meaning. Such children are crucial to the world because they are perceptive, sensitive and they refuse superficiality and injustice. They ask questions that are unpleasant, but necessary, and bring about positive changes. If we want to better our world we need to find the best way to educate and support them.
A Decent Quality of Life vs. the Zero Tolerance Policy (CZ)
16:30 - 18:00, Scout Institute
In cooperation with the Institute for Social Inclusion
The Zero tolerance policy aims to find quick and radical solutions, but often leads to the repression of everyone who is deemed “unacceptable”. It is a failed policy that divides citizens into the guilty and innocent, the decent and indecent. It creates an environment of fear and amplifies the sense of threat. Why is zero tolerance still so popular with politicians and voters? Are local politicians going to trump each other by creating even stricter zero tolerance policies?
Veronika Knoblochová, Lucie Trlifajová, Vít Lesák, Alena Zieglerová
Democracy: How to Empower Citizens in the World of Algorithms? (EN/CZ)
18:00 - 19:30, Austrian Cultural Forum
In cooperation with the Institute for Christian Democratic Policy
The focus of this event is to highlight the debate about democracy through the lens of Christian democracy. Christian democracy drove the integration of Europe and current challenges call for closer cooperation (in the area of security and defence, the common market) which requires more support from the public. Should cooperation be bonded to Christian democracy, or something else?
Artur Gerasimov, Marian Jurečka
Mutual Understanding - Can We Effectively Communicate with Foreigners? (CZ)
18:00 - 19:30, Sněmovní 7
In cooperation with Integration Center Prague
Mutual understanding between Czechs and foreigners is one of the conditions of successful integration and peaceful cohabitation. Is there anything in the way of successful and peaceful cohabitation? How can we communicate respectfully and successfully with one another?
Zuzana Schreiberová, Miroslava Danyljuková, Marie Heřmanová, Hadis Medenčević
Rohingya - Testimony from Bangladesh (CZ)
18:00 - 20:00, Celetná Student Club
In cooperation with the Online Encyclopedia of Migration
Recently, there has been a massive exodus of Rohingyas to Bangladesh, due to persecution controlled by the Burmese Army. In Bangladesh, the largest refugee camp in the world was created almost overnight. The aim of this debate is to raise awareness of the oppressive situation in Burma and Bangladesh. Part of this event is a production by a documentary filmmaker, Martin Trablík, and also an exhibition of photographs by Indologist Zbyněk Mucha. Both of them have brought exclusive material directly from the Rohingya refugee camps.
Martin Trabalík, Zbyněk Mucha
Crimea: Forgotten Peninsula? (UA/CZ)
Discussion and party
18:30 - 21:00, Experimental Space NoD
In cooperation with People in Need
Persecution, detention, and imprisonment. This is what people in Crimea—especially Crimean Tatars, advocates, and independent journalists—have been experiencing in the four years since the Russian annexation of the peninsula. Despite numerous UN resolutions and appeals by the EU and human rights organizations, Crimea seems to be gradually disappearing from the headlines. Why and how is the situation in Crimea changing into a frozen conflict? What is life in Crimea like today? And can people adjust to the conditions of the new regime?
Illmi Umerov, Tamila Tasheva
Youth, Speak Up! Successful Young People from Various Fields Talk about Their Vision for Our Country (CZ)
18:30 - 20:30, Lucerna Music Bar
In cooperation with the Club of Young Political Scientists
What would our republic look like if there was an overnight generational change of decision makers? Successful young people from various fields will deliver messages about their vision for the Czech Republic. The audience will have opportunity to react and respond to the speakers. We then plan to post this vision online to allow people to read it and participate in the discussion.
An Evening with Alexej Kelin in Benešov (CZ)
17:00 - 18:30, Cirgus
Come and meet Alexej Kelin, an individual with an unusually interesting personal and family history. He is a graduate in electrotechnics and a co-author of several patents. In 1968 he emigrated to Germany but soon returned because of his parents, who came to Czechoslovakia from the Soviet Union before he was born. During normalization he was under State Police surveillance and helped smuggle prints into the Soviet Union. He was also the Chair of the Government Council for Ethnic Minorities in the 1990s.
Alexej Kelin
Tuesday, October 9
The Value of Intergenerational Relationships in Contemporary Society (CZ)
10:00 - 12:00, Václav Havel Library
In cooperation with Duhový tandem
Every generation is a little different from the previous one. There are conflicts, misunderstandings, and many more difficulies, if you count the accelerated development of society as such. Are these generations still able to understand to each other? Do they need each other and are they still a great inspiration like in the past? What is the image of seniors in today's society, and on the contrary, what do seniors think about today's society? What are the prejudices in society, how are made they made and what do they result in? Come to discuss with us, with the professional public, with seniors, and youth, as well within the Festival of Democracy!
Will the Democratic World Pass the Tibetan Test? (EN)
11:00 - 12:30, Sněmovní 7
In cooperation with Czechs Support Tibet
Edward Lucas used the expression "Tibetan test" to refer to the difficulties the democratic world encounters when standing up for its principles in the face of bullying and threats of retaliation from China. In the panel discussion, we will examine the role of the Tibetan Government in exile and its plan to face the future, called the "5-50 vision". We will examine the results of the Tibetan test and answer the question, whether or not we should be more sympathetic towards Tibe.
Lobsang Sangay, Edward Lucas, Magdaléna Vášáryová, Karel Schwarzenberg, Thomas Mann, Martin Bursík, Alison Reynolds
The Regional Differences in the Czech Republic, the Gap Between Rich and Poor, and the Impact This Has on Brain Drain, Quality of Life, and More (CZ)
14:00 - 16:00, Prague Creative Center
In cooperation with EDUin
The Czech Republic is preceived as a country of relatively narrow social and economic gaps, but evidence depicts a strikingly different reality. Prague belongs to one of the most affluent regions in Europe whilst other Czech regions are getting poorer, older, and educated people are deliberately leaving them. What kind of threats result from this? And what kind of solutions can we undertake?
Edita Stejskalová, Daniel Hůle, Bob Kartous, Jan Školník, Saša Uhlová
Youth, Democracy, and Politics (EN)
14:30 - 16:00, American Center
In cooperation with the National Democratic Institute
In Central Europe, youth are increasingly turning to non-mainstream and radical political options. Mainstream political parties struggle to reach young voters, who exhibit low interest in formal engagement with parties. To explore the political attitudes, values, sources of information, and political participation of young people in Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia, the NDI conducted a public opinion poll of youth aged 16 to 29 in cooperation with research partners based in each country. This discussion will examine the present and future implications of this study's findings.
Olga Gyarfášová, Zuzana Papazoski,Veszna Wessenauer, Markéta Gregorová
V4: Civil Society Under Fire? (CZ)
15:30 - 17:00, European House
In cooperation with DEMAS - Association for Democracy Assistance and Human Rights
Attitudes towards civil society in Visegrad countries have rapidly deteriorated in recent years. Not only amongst politicians, but also amongst certain parts of the society. Deterioration is occurring despite the fact these non-profit organizations are grassroot efforts that often supplant the role of the state when it can’t, or won’t, play its role.
Robert Basch, Robert Břešťan, Roman Joch, Lucia Najšlová
Art and Punishment: Decree 349 Converts art into a Crime; Discussion with Independent artists from Cuba (EN)
16:00 - 17:30, Langhans, People in Need Center
In cooperation with Cuba Before the Dawn
In Cuba, the government considers independent artistic activity as a threat to control over their (art) world: It criminalized the founders and participants of 00Bienal; the first Independent Havana Biennial; harassed founders of Museum of Dissent; and arrested performers violating the ‘Art Censorship Law’ 349. Artivists and organizers of these events will discuss limits of challenging the regime, creatively.
Tania Bruguera , Luis Alcantara, Yanelys Nuñez Leyva, Lester Alvarez
(Under)Pressure (EN)
16:00 - 17:30, Václav Havel Library
In cooperation with the DOX Center of Contemporary Art
UNDER (PRESS)URE is a regular series of roundtable discussions at the DOX Centre for Contemporary Art that hosts journalists and media commentators on current political, economic, and social issues. At this special meeting, there will be a distinguished panel of foreign correspondents to discuss current pressing issues, concentrating on "post-truth" media, disinformation, and social media.
Natalia Churikova, Daniel Anýž, Nedim Dervisbegovic, Todd Nesbitt, Daniela Retková
Connected Europe: Are We Europeans, Czechs, or Both? (CZ)
16:30 - 18:00, Austrian Cultural Forum
In cooperation with Spiralis
This is a discussion about our relationship to Europe and the European Union. A voice virtuoso and daughter of an African migrant born in Prague shares her unique life experience. She presents a campaign "Make Europe Great For All" Connected Europe. Are we Europeans, or are we only Czechs?
Jolana Turnerová, Ridina Ahmedová, Milena Vicenová, Kateřina Jonášová
Nicaragua: Protests Against the Government Continue (ES)
16:30 - 18:00, American Center
Democratic Solidarity
Since April 2018, massive anti-government protests have taken place in Nicaragua. The initial demonstration against proposed pension reforms turned into large scale protests calling for the resignation of President Ortega, leaving more than 300 dead, over 2,830 injured, and at least 700 missing. What is the current situation and future development of the situation in the country?
Rafael Rincón, Edipcia Dubón, José Miguel Vivanco
Fake News: Truth, Lies, and Half-truth in Public Space (CZ)
17:00 - 19:00, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Hollar Building
In cooperation with Czech TV and the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism, FSV UK
This lecture block is the result of public service broadcaster Czech Television's (CT) cooperation with universities, attended by CT panelists and organizing universities. The block informs students by providing CT's views on disinformation in the public space. These lectures are mainly for future educators, but they are open to all students, including those in their final year of high school.
Jan Jirák, Světlana Witovská, Jakub , Alice Němcová Tejkalová
How to Prevent Soil and Democracy from Drying Up (CZ)
17:00 - 19:00, Scout Institute
In cooperation with EKODOMOV
Globalization brings fear for many who don’t know how they or their lands will fare in the light of new economic and political interests. Does our current natural and social climate suit us? Can we measure the change, or damage, caused by globalization? Should there be legal responsibilities for any damage caused? Can we, as citizens, influence and change the development of land and democracy?
Is Russian Assertiveness at the Borders a Threat for Democratic Systems in Central European Countries? (CZ)
17:00 - 19:00, Ostrovní Residence
In cooperation with the Institute for Politics and Society
Since 2014, there has been a significant change in Russia’s behavior in the international scene. It started after the annexation of Crimea and the beginning of conflict in the Ukraine. Russia has attempted to crack down on security in countries they consider to be hostile. Propaganda campaigns and misinformation present a hurdle young Central European democracies are trying to clear.
Ondřej Soukup, Tinatin Khidasheli, Jaroslav Bžoch, Greta Monika Tučkutė, Andrey Pivovarov, Jan Šír, Jonáš Syrovátka
The West and International Relations in Donald Trump´s Era (EN/CZ)
17:00 - 19:00, CEVRO Institute
In cooperation with the CEVRO Institute
For the last hundred years, the U.S. determined the value-based security, and economic framework of the West. Globalization and a redistribution of power in the world as well as the comeback of realpolitik and trade wars, all raise concerns about future. President Trump dominates the public space - from offensive Twitter communication to a trans-actional concept of diplomacy. What is the future of the West? What will be the role of the U.S. be? And what will be the role of their allies? Are we entering an era of win-win world as prophets of globalization believe, or we are just heading towards a new version of the old “zero-sum game”?
Alexandr Vondra, Amichai Magen, Dan Schueftan, Joshua Muravchik
Having Freedom While Being Handicapped (CZ)
Film Screening and Discussion
18:00 - 21:00, Centrum Paraple
In cooperation with the Paraple Center
Freedom also means admitting responsibility for our own lives. To make full use of freedom, a handicapped person needs a free and democratic society.
Helena Třeštíková
Time for the First Female Czech President (CZ)
18:00 - 20:00, Václav Havel Library
In cooperation with Forum 50% and the Czech Women's Lobby
After a hundred years of women´s suffrage, it is time for first female Czech president. Why haven't we had any female president so far? Do women in politics face more barriers? What could we do in order to have more women among the candidates in the next presidential election? The equality of women and men in political decisionmaking is an important pillar of democratic society and values.
Michal Horáček, Atifete Jahjaga , Veronika Šprincová, Ivan Gabal
Education About the European Union: Do We Need Education for Europeanism? (CZ)
18:30 - 20:00, Austrian Cultural Forum
In cooperation with the Association for International Affairs (AMO)
The Czech Republic does not have a comprehensive approach to education about the EU. Information available to youth depends on their teachers’ experiences, knowledge, and competition with other subjects. The government does not give the EU priority in education, and comments in the media on the topic of Erasmus student exchanges are an example of how not to lead an informed debate. When a lukewarm relationship with the EU is in the mainstream, what do we do next?
Tomáš Prouza, František Novotný, Salim Murad, Michal Řezáč
Chavismo: The Plague of the 21st Century (ES/EN)
Film Screening and Discussion
18:30 - 20:30, American Center
Democratic Solidarity in cooperation with the CASLA Institute
The documentary "Chavismo: The Plague of the 21st Century", directed by Gustavo Tovar Arroyo, seeks to raise awareness of the terrible tragedy that Venezuela has suffered in the period governed by the Chavez regime. It tells the story of a country that was devastated by the populist leader Hugo Chávez, whose delirious leadership led to the collapse of the richest country in Latin America.
Tamara Sujú, Gustavo Tovar Arroyo
Democratizing Religion, Democratizing Society (EN/CZ)
19:00 - 20:30, Maisel Synagogue
In cooperation with the Jewish Museum in Prague
The emergence and development of modern democratic values involved emancipation from religion. Religions in Western society often adopt a democratic ethos and help to shape it. To what extent has this ethos imprinted itself on the structures of thought and the functioning of religious communities? Can religion be an agent of democracy? Or is religion an area where questions such as gender equality, authority, and the functioning of institutions should be governed by other rules?
William Cook, Paul Cliteur, Pavel Hošek
Evening for Civil Society: How to Get Out of the Bubble (CZ)
19:30 - 22:00, Impact Hub Praha
In cooperation with the Foundation and EVZ Lab for Civil Society
We believe in the power of innovative solutions to reinforce civil society and democracy. We will introduce projects reaching the public outside of “our bubble” and present examples of good practice in the field of campaigns, public communication, and raising awareness about strengthening democracy. We will provide a ground for the meeting of partners involved in building trust of society towards civil society organizations.
Forum "About Us, with Us" (EN/CZ)
08:00 - 12:00, Hodina H
In cooperation with Hodina H
A forum where children and young adults have an opportunity to meet with experts to search together for the establishment of new youth policies. This forum is trying to measure the benefits that come from involving youth in the creation of policies that affect their lives directly.
An Evening with Irena Kalhousová in České Budějovice (CZ)
17:00 - 18:30, České Budějovice
Come and meet a Czech PhD Candidate at the London School of Economist, whose principal area if interest is the Near East and its current conflicts. Irena Kalhousová worked for many organizations and she appears regularly in Czech media. She is a Member of the Forum 2000 Foundation.
Irena Kalhousová
Does Rising Populism in Central Europe Lead to Greater Euroscepticism? (SK)
18:00 - 19:30, Embassy of the Czech Republic in Bratislava
In cooperation with GLOBSEC and the Czech Center in Bratislava
Europe is facing an increasing popularity of politicians using rhetoric based on populist anti-EU grounds, often talking about a "Brussels dictate" or restriction of state sovereignty. Is Euroscepticism a response to the failure of European political elites leading to an eventual recovery, or are we facing genuine attempts to fracture the Union? How do these attitudes influence society’s perception of the EU?
Aneta Világi, Ladislav Miko, Dominika Hajdu, Radovan Geist
Youth, Democracy, and Politics (PL)
18:00 - 19:30, Czech Center Warsaw
In cooperation with the National Democratic Institute
In Central Europe, youth are increasingly turning to non-mainstream and radical political options. Mainstream political parties struggle to reach young voters, who exhibit low interest in formal engagement with parties. To explore the political attitudes, values, sources of information, and political participation of young people in Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia, the NDI conducted a public opinion poll of youth aged 16 to 29 in cooperation with research partners based in each country. This discussion will examine the present and future implications of this study's findings.
Weronika Paszewska, Stanisław Zakroczymski, Filip Pazderski, Jana Jůzová
Wednesday, October 10
#JáDemokracie: What Does Democracy and Freedom Mean to Young People? (CZ)
11:00 - 13:00, Václav Havel Library
Freedom and democracy - two short words that we hear, read, and use every day, but what exactly do they mean to us? With our #JáDemokracie project we asked high schoolers, in other words young people who are soon going to join public life as voters, to send us short videos on this topic. In this discussion, we will watch the winning video and in the ensuing debate we will delve into the topic at hand: What place do democracy and freedom hold in young people's value system?
Register here.
Václav Kříž, Andrea Procházková, Johanna Nejedlová, Martin Mikšík
…So What Happens Next? Restorative Justice After Human Rights Violations? With Carollann Braum and William Cook (EN)
14:30 - 16:00, Anglo-American University
In cooperation with the AAU School of International Relations and Diplomacy
This discussion panel will take a look at whether cases of victims seeking justice after human rights violations. The right to a trial and related civil rights are key to democracy, but does this necessarily always mean a judicial proceeding? As alternative dispute mechanisms are growing in use, should they be considered even more for human rights violations as well? The panel will present litigation vs. alternative methods of justice, such as truth commissions, and discuss which of the options is better for preventing future human rights violations, providing remedies for victims, and healing the community.
Carollann Braum, William Cook
How to Save the World: What Is the Recipe for Improving Living Conditions in Poor Areas of the World? (CZ)
15:00 - 17:00, European House
In cooperation with FoRS - Czech Forum for Development Cooperation
The world is increasingly globalized and we are trying improve living conditions in poorer parts of the world. Should we focus on climate change, supporting active involvement of local people in politics, ensure greater funding for development activities, or lobby for observing decent working conditions? Surely, there isn't one right answer. That's why we ask our panelists who come from different backgrounds with lots of experience in development activities. The aim of the debate is to share good practice and diversity in looking for answers with both panelists and plenary participants.
Martin Andrle, Ludmila Böhmová, Martin Hutař, Jiří Škvor, Magdalena Vaculčiaková, Petra Procházková
Authoritative, Totalitarian, and Democratic: The Story of a Country in the Heart of Europe (CZ)
15:30 - 17:30, American Center
In cooperation with the Political Science Club FSV UK
This debate takes a closer look at the past struggles of Czechs under nondemocratic regimes and how that differs from life in the Czech Republic today. The first block of the event focuses on the memories of the survivors of those regimes. The second block focuses on the present day and whether or not Czechs are democrats, and to what extent history affects their perceptions of democracy.
Milena Havlůjová, Vojtěch Kyncl Kyncl, Jiří Padevět, Jan Charvát, Jindřich Šídlo, Mirek Topolánek
The Role of Private Enterprises in Today's Democratic Society (EN)
16.00 - 17:30, The American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic
In cooperation with the Business Leaders Forum a AmCham
The private sector plays a big role in our world today, but how does the private sector address issues like transparency, ethics, sustainability, and democracy? What role should private companies play in society? Should the private sector stay private, or does it have a role to play in public life? Come join us and hear expert opinions on this issue.
Jakub Klepal, Václav Muchna, Martina Slabá, Weston Stacey
Chinese Influence in the Czech Republic: Can the Rise of Chinese Business and Influence Be a Threat to Our Country? (CZ)
17:00 - 19:00, Schebek Palace
In cooperation with the Institute for Politics and Society
A frequent topic of discussion is the influence of foreign states and corporations in the Czech Republic and the scope of Chinese companies influence in particular. Since the beginning of the mandate of M. Zeman, the activity of companies has increased. Increase in trade between both states has not achieved the desired effect, and many people ask whether the deepening of cooperation is meaningful.
Štefan Füle, Martin Hála, Jan Lipavský, Stanislav Berkovec
Start with Yourself (EN)
17:30 - 19:30, Youth Information Center
In cooperation with International Young Naturefriends
The workshop and documentary focuses on Betzavta, an approach to civic education via experiential learning. Through learning from emerging situations, the participants become aware of their behaviour and its potential difference from their mental image about themselves. The questions to reflect on: What is freedom to you? What influence do I have with my vote? In which cases does the majority decide?
Register here.
Awakening the Inner Genius - a Workshop for Everyone Who Likes to Teach, Learn, and Have Fun (CZ)
18:00 - 19:30, European House
In cooperation with Imaglee
The ability to empathize and communicate clearly with others often dictates whether a democracy stands or falls. Join us and learn how to play and create educational math games that help give others the ability to effectively communicate. Learning games like this will be especially helpful for teachers working with children who may be exceptionally gifted or have specific needs, and will prove useful for adults in management settings as well.
Bridging the Generational Divide on Migration, Economy, and Security (EN)
18:00 - 19:30, Austrian Cultural Forum
In cooperation with EUROPEUM
Across Europe, a divide expands as older generations and their progeny seem to view many political issues in increasingly different ways. This contributed to, amongst other things, Brexit—where the divide between old and young is obvious—and debate over the economy’s structure, as the young face troubled housing markets, fight climate change, and try to reconcile security and human rights. How can this divide be overcome and solutions pursued?
Bulwarks of Democracy and Responsible Goverment (CZ)
18:00 - 19:30, American Center
In cooperation with Reconstruction of the State
How do we know if democracy is in peril? What are the bulwarks of responsible, democratic governmenance and rule of law? Who should watch over democratic principles and defend them? Come search for the answers with us and discuss the Bulwarks of Democracy petition (
The Power of Critical Thinking (CZ)
18:00 - 20:00, University of Economics, Room SB 322
In cooperation with the Department of Management, FPH VŠE
Critical thinking is a skill used to evaluate quality of information to help make rational decisions. Oftentimes it's difficult because there is so much information and a significant portion of it is distorted or untrue. We will discuss how to look for information and how to use it in a way that enables you to tell fact from fiction. Our goal is to increase society´s resistance to manipulation and disinformation.
Lukáš Hána, Kateřina Jiřinová
Dignity and Human Rights in the Current System of Psychiatric Care in the Czech Republic and in the World (CZ)
19:00 - 20:30, Inspirace Theater
What is the situation in respecting the human rights of people with disabilities in different European countries? What is the difference in this regard between the EU and the rest of the world?How are human rights violations perceived by human rights defenders and people with the experience of mental illness?These and other questions will be answered by people involved in human rights protection including the members of Studio 27, a team of journalists with experience with mental illness.
Milena Černá, Zuzana Durajová, Pavel Novák
Public Media Freedom in Central Europe: Are We Experiencing New Normalization? (CZ)
19:00 - 20:30, Václav Havel Library
In cooperation with Svobodu médiím! (Freedom to the Media!)
Public service media in Central Europe is constantly changing, causing it to deteriorate and lose credibility. Can it keep their freedom and independence in the environment of strong authoritarian governments?
Adam Černý, Vlastimil Venclík, Janek Kroupa, David Smoljak, Štefan Hríb
Healthy Civil Society (CZ)
09:00 - 18:00, Multimedia Hall, The Regional Authority of the Liberec Region
In cooperation with ANNOLK - Association of NGOs in the Liberec Region
A networking conference - introducing the state, the faults, and the good practices of contemporary society from three perspectives; first, from that of an active citizen; second, from that of civil structures and activities; third, from that of visions, partnerships and long-term goals and whether or not they are successful.
Festival of Democracy in Hradec Králové: Democracy: In Need of a Critical Update (EN)
13:00 - 16:00, Legislature of the Hradec Králové Region
In cooperation with the Political Science Club, University of Hradec Králové
Within the framework of the Forum 2000 Conference, the Festival of Democracy will hold a panel discussion on October 10, 2018 in Hradec Králové. The panel discussion will build on this year's theme, Democracy: In Need of a Critical Update. Six experts will focus on Latin America and Africa’s problems with populism, nationalism, and social inequality. The event is held in cooperation with the University of Hradec Králové.
Gabriel Salvia
Thursday, October 11
Citizens' Activism, Networking, and Interconnection with Politics (CZ)
17:00 - 18:30, Experimental Space NoD
In cooperation with Společně to dáme (We Can Do It Together)
Civic activism is a current part of our political process whether we like it or not. In our panel discussion, we will seek answers to the following questions: Is civil activism an important part of public space? How can individual actors get to know one another and work together more effectively? Is it necessary to link civic activism with politics?
Alena Švejnohová, Mikuláš Minář, Veronika Vendlová, Tomáš Peszinsky, Jana Filipová, Aneta Maléřová, Elva Frouz
Kinolab | Communities: Willingness to Help in the War (CZ)
Film Screening and Discussion
18:00 - 20:00, Langhans, People in Need Center
In cooperation with Chuť pomáhat
As the war in Ukraine continues, how can individuals help? The film-discussion platform KINOLAB will examine this topic. The discussion aims to approximate the current environment in Eastern Ukraine where Michal Kody Kislicky (founder of Chut pomahat) spent a lot of time helping people, but had to leave. How difficult is life in Eastern Ukraine, what do we need to know, and is it possible for people to help?
Michal Kody Kislicky, Barbora Johansson, Zlatko Teskere
Professors in the Pub Series: The Eclipse of American Democracy in the Trump Era with Steve Kashkett (EN)
18:30 - 20:00, Café des Taxis, Anglo-American University
In cooperation with the AAU School of International Relations and Diplomacy
Is American liberal democracy in trouble? Is its crisis a recent trend or were there warning signs before? Or is President Donald Trump just the most vocal and visible embodiment of a social, economic, and political change that sweeps across America today? Each month, come to Café Des Taxis to have a drink and discuss with Anglo-American University professors and other experts about important events happening in the world. Share your questions and your views, and join the long tradition of politics in the pub.
Steve Kashkett
Examples of Civic Activism Campaigns: How to Mobilize the Public? (CZ)
18:45 - 20:15, Experimental Space NoD
How to lead a campaign in public interest? What works and what to avoid? How to turn popular interest in a meaningful result? We are going to try and find answers to these and other questions during this evening of four presentations and an ensuing discussion. The following campaigns will be presented: Million Moments for Democracy, Bulwarks of Democracy, We Are Fair - Marriage for All, How Do They Lay - a Campaign for the Ending of Sales of Eggs from Chickens in Cages.
Register here.
Lenka Vrtišková Nejezchlebová, Mikuláš Minář, Pavel Buršík, Martin Luhan, Czeslaw Walek
Role of Diversity in Democracy
19:00, Bahá'í centrum
How to promote diversity in society? Does the diversity have a chance for survival, or will it dissipate due to all sorts of unification efforts? Can diversity promote cohesion?
Friday, October 12
The Impact of Digitalization on European Democracy as We Know It (EN)
19:00 - 20:30, Czech Center Berlin
In cooperation with the Czech Center Berlin
One of our events is a discussion series called Let’s Talk About Europe. This series is organized by European culture institutes with the help of EUNIC Berlin Network.
Vítkova 10, Prague 8
American Center
Tržiště 13, Prague 1
Anglo-American University
Letenská 5, Prague 1
Anglo-American University, Café des Taxis
Letenská 5, Prague 1
Austrian Cultural Forum
Jungmannovo nám. 18, Prague 1
Bahá'í centrum
Lucemburská 33, Praha 3
Café Kampus
Náprstkova 10, Prague 1
Celetná Student Club
Celetná 562/20, Prague 1
Centrum Paraple
Ovčárská 471, Praha 10
CEVRO Institute
Jungmannova 17, Prague 1
Pražská 295, Benešov
Czech Center Berlin
Wilhelmstraße 44, Berlin, Germany
Czech Center Budapest
Szegfű u. 4, Budapest, Hungary
Czech Center Warsaw
aleja Róż 16, Warsaw, Poland
Embassy of the Czech Republic in Bratislava
Hviezdoslavovo nám. 8, Bratislava, Slovakia
European House
Jungmannova 24, Prague 1
Experimental Space NoD
Dlouhá 33, Prague 1
Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Hollar Building
Smetanovo nábřeží 6, Prague 1
GASK Kutná Hora
Barborská 51–53, Kutná Hora
Hodina H
Hrnčířská 111, Pelhřimov
Impact Hub Praha
Drtinova 557/10, Prague 5
Inspirace Theater
Malostranské náměstí 258/13, Prague 1
International Environmental Education, Advisory, and Information on Water Protection Centre
Na Valše 207, Vodňany
Langhans, People in Need Center
Vodičkova 37, Prague 1
Legislature of the Hradec Králové Region
Pivovarské náměstí 1245, Hradec Králové
Lucerna Music Bar
Vodičkova 36, Prague 1
Maisel Synagogue
Maiselova 10, Prague 1
MAITREA - House of Personal Development
Týnská ulička 6/1064, Prague 1
Bakalovo nábřeží 1, Brno
Ostrovní Residence
Ostrovní 222/8, Prague 1
Prague Creative Center
Staroměstské nám. 1/4, Prague 1
POLIS Foundation
Mariánske námestie 31, Žilina, Slovakia
Pragovka Gallery
Kolbenova 923/34a, Prague 9
Schebek Palace
Politických vězňů 7, Prague 1
Scout Institute
Staroměstské nám. 1/4, Prague 1
Sněmovní 7
Sněmovní 7, Prague 1
Square of the Republic, Prague
náměstí Republiky, Praha
The Regional Authority of the Liberec Region, Multimedia Hall
U Jezu 642/2A, Liberec
University of Economics, Room RB 101
nám. Winstona Churchilla 1938/4 Prague 3
Václav Havel Library
Ostrovní 13, Prague 1
Youth Information Center
Na Poříčí 1035/4, Prague 1