Launched in April 2005, the Shared Concern Initiative (SCI) idea was conceived, in the context of the Forum 2000 Conference in Prague, by H.H. the Dalai Lama in cooperation with the late President Václav Havel, H.R.H. El Hassan bin Talal and Frederik W. de Klerk. The SCI is an open and informal group of recognized personalities representing various cultures, historical backgrounds, religions, and traditions.
In the interest of fostering principles of good governance, respect for human rights, and tolerance, the SCI endeavors to address, by the issuance of joint-statements, the important challenges of today's world with the understanding that changes towards the better can be effectively promoted with a common voice.
Modus Operandi
I. Preamble
The Shared Concern Initiative (SCI) idea was originated, in the context of the Forum 2000 Conference in Prague, by HH the Dalai Lama in cooperation with Václav Havel, HRH El Hassan bin Talal and Frederik W. de Klerk. The SCI is an open and informal group of recognized personalities representing various cultures, historical backgrounds, religions, and traditions. In the interest of fostering principles of good governance, respect for human rights, and tolerance, the SCI contemplates to address, by the issuance of joint-statements, the important challenges of today's world with the understanding that changes towards the better can be effectively promoted with a common voice. Visits to the troubled spots by members of the SCI to study and to attempt to contribute towards resolving a difficult situation should be organized whenever and wherever it is possible.
II. Structure
"Shared Concern Initiative" is an informal group that is not institutionally grounded. Administrative and logistical support is provided by the Forum 2000 Foundation whose annual conferences inspired the SCI idea.
II. Membership
The SCI members are internationally respected personalities. In order to become the SCI Member, an individual must be nominated by a standing Member of the group. Following nomination, the candidate must then be approved by a simple majority of Members. If the candidate is approved, he/she will be formally invited to join the group by the Forum 2000 Foundation. The candidate must then formally inform, by written letter, the Forum 2000 Foundation of his/her acceptance to the membership of "Shared Concern Initiative."
Should a member wish to resign from "Shared Concern Initiative" for any reason at any time, he/she may do so by delivering a written letter to the Forum 2000 Foundation formally indicating his/her resignation.
IV. Opinions
"Shared Concern Initiative" core activity is centered on the publication of "Opinions" formulated and agreed upon by the Members of the Initiative regarding issues or problems pertaining current events and ongoing problems in the world. Opinion Draft initiated and authored by any Member shall be sent to the secretariat of the Forum 2000 Foundation, which will then distribute the draft to other Members. Approval for publication may be conditional, subject to acceptation of Member's objections, reservations or additional inserts. If no reply from a Member is received within 10 business days after he/she has been sent an Opinion Draft, than the Draft Opinion is deemed to have not been approved by such Member. A statement is approved if supported by a simple majority of the Members.
V. Publication
An opinion statement of the "Shared Concern Initiative" indicating the names of the Members who have agreed to the text will be - after consultation with its principal architect- released by the Forum 2000 Foundation. Individual members of the Initiative may also release the statement in unaltered form with reference to "Shared Concern Initiative". The Members not supporting the contents of the statement are not bound by it.
Other Documents
Venezuela on the Eve of Presidential Elections
Shared Concern Initiative’s Report
July 2012
Jakub Klepal, Carlos González, Jakub Kulhánek, with Elena Sabová
Ukraine Loses Its Way
Shared Concern Initiative’s Report on the Current Situation in Ukraine
August 2011
Tomáš Vrba, Jakub Klepal