Recovering the Promise of 1989
23rd Forum 2000 Conference
October 13 – 15, 2019
Thirty years ago, the world was full of hope that, finally, democracy, freedom, and a global order based on peace and responsibility would prevail. In the tumultuous year 1989, people rallied against governments with a dismal human rights record and a lack of respect for the rule of law. Protests in Beijing, Berlin, or Prague coincided with ongoing or looming democratic transitions in Chile, Nicaragua, South Africa and elsewhere. Citizens globally asked for more freedom and democracy and hoped for a just society. Western democracies served as a model to which many looked up to.
Since then, the spirit of freedom and civic responsibility in new democracies, as well as in the more established ones, has faced many difficult tests and today, we are at perhaps one of liberal democracy's most demanding moments. Inability of political leaders to face climate change, a growing gap between winners and losers of globalization, a political system which many consider overly bureaucratic and unresponsive to the needs of people, the impact of new technologies, and other major trends drive voters to elect untested or even populist leaders.
The October meeting aimed to analyze these challenges and search for ways to renew the spirit of responsibility and strengthen democracy. It also looked at how these internal uncertainties of the democratic “West” and the rise of China, India and other actors are reshaping the world and how these converging trends will affect our common global future in the next 30 years.
5 Big Ideas of the 23rd Forum 2000 Conference
A selection of photographs from previous years
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Jan Barta
Aerofilms | CASLA Institute | Catholic University of Portugal | Center for International Private Enterprise | Center for the Opening and Development of Latin America | Center on Global Economic Governance, Columbia University | CERGE-EI Foundation | Deutsch-Tschechischen Gesprächsforums | Deutsch-Tschechischer Zukunftsfonds | Embassy of Canada to Czech Republic | Embassy of Portugal in the Czech Republic | European Endowment for Democracy | European Partnership for Democracy | Festival Svobody | Fundación para el Progreso | Goethe-Institut | IDC Herzliya | Nadace Vodafone Česká republika | Polish Institute in Prague | Project Syndicate | Střední vinařská škola Valtice | The British Embassy in the Czech Republic | The Center for Liberal Modernity | The Václav Havel Library