Oscar Arias Sánchez
Nobel Prize Laureate, former President
Costa RicaServed as president of the Republic of Costa Rica between 1986 and 1990, and again from 2006 to 2010, Costa Rican politician and businessman, and laureate of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1987 for “his service in favor of peace in Central America”. The financial support he received from the prize enabled him to found the Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress, a foundation making promotion of democracy, equality in general, disarmament and demilitarization, as its main objectives. He has a doctorate in Political Sciences at the University of Essex, and has been awarded numerous prizes by institutions all around the world.
Político e intelectual costarricense, laureado con el Premio Nobel de la Paz en 1987 como reconocimiento a sus esfuerzos por la paz en América Central, decide crear la Fundación Arias para la Paz y el Progreso Humano, cuya misión es promover sociedades justas, pacíficas y equitativas en la región centroamericana. Arias es Licenciado en Derecho y Economía de la Universidad de Costa Rica y Doctor en Ciencias Políticas en la Universidad de Essex Inglaterra. Premio Príncipe de Asturias, Albert Schweitzer, Premio Martin Luther King, Medalla de la Libertad de Filadelfia entre otros. Ha recibido alrededor de 90 doctorados honoris causa de universidades alrededor del mundo.