2020 marks the 70th anniversary of the Chinese annexation of Tibet. For five years in a row, Freedom House ranks Tibet as the second least free place in the world.
Lobsang Sangay, the Sikyong of the Tibetan Government in exile since 2011, says the consequences of the pandemic will be severe and a global readjustment will be needed. According to Chinese authorities, no Tibetan has died on coronavirus in Tibet - which is hard to believe. China is trying to change the narrative by helping other countries, but we should not hide the fact, that China was silent, suppressed the information and left the world unprepared. If they intervened early, 95 % of the world pandemic would have been prevented. China’s trust deficit has exploded and the leadership of the WHO is now being questioned. We should be objective and once the crisis is over, we will conclude that the democratic systems handled the situation better than the authoritarian ones.
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