Frederik Willem de Klerk #Forum2000online

June 2, 2020

China is cementing its interests in Africa and its access to its natural resources which they require for their economy - it is their right to do so. But I would like to see more competition and the so-called West to be more involved in Africa and to compete with China. This is unfortunately not happening, says Frederik Willem de Klerk, Former President of South Africa who shared the Nobel Peace Prize with Nelson Mandela for their work to end the apartheid. Also, we should not overemphasize the COVID-19 pandemic in the African region, we should not neglect the underlying problems such as Malaria, HIV and TB.

While watching the video, you can turn on the English subtitles.

Forum 2000 Foundation is online in times of pandemic. What will be the impact of COVID-19 on our society,democracy and economy? How are the governments handling the situation in different countries across the globe? Join our #Forum2000online Chat and listen to the interviews with experts, activists, academics and thinkers who are answering what we all want to know.

This video was recorded on May 28, 2020.
