Five student's essays about the Forum 2000 Conference

December 7, 2021

Students of Václav Havel Joint Master Programme - European Politics and Society created essays dedicated to the crucial topics of the 25th Forum 2000 Conference titled What Now? Building Back Democratically. Evaluation Committee selected 5 best essays out of 46. All topics are focused on building back democratically after COVID-19, addressing the challenges that democracies are facing today.

Democracy from the Bottom Up

Greta Scott

What now? Building Back Democratically After COVID-19.
A Response to the Forum 2000 Conference

Marte van der Graaf

Autocratic techno-challenge
and civil liberties in the cyberspace

Miras Tolepbergen

What Now? Building Back Democratically

Tamar Tkemaladze

Women Rights and Democratic Backsliding

Vivien Keenleyside