On May 13, the Forum 2000 Foundation and DEMAS, an association of Czech NGOs focused on promoting democracy, human rights, civil society, rule of law and good governance abroad, are organizing a debate with candidates for the European Parliament in Prague's Václav Havel Library, which will focus on the role of the European Union in the world. The aim of this public discussion will be to present the candidates' views on what role the EU should play in the future in an increasingly complicated world, how it can help strengthen democracy and respect for human rights, what the current situation is and what should change.
The debate in the Czech language will take place as part of the Parliament for the Future of Europe project, which followed the Conference on the Future of Europe. Project participants from seven countries (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia, Germany, Portugal, and Slovenia) discussed the conference's outputs and proposed their modifications to better take into account less represented groups in these countries. The results of the project will be presented at the beginning of the event and the invited speakers will have the opportunity to comment on the conclusions. As part of the discussion, there will be questions about what the role of the EU should be on the global stage, how the EU can effectively help support democracy and human rights in the world, what are the key interests of the EU in the changing world order, and how citizens can be better involved in shaping the EU's global role.
An invitation to the discussion was accepted by:
- Jan Farský (Starostové a osobnosti pro Evropu)
Pavel Havlíček (Koalice SPOLU)
- Jaroslav Knot (ANO 2011)
- Marcel Kolaja (Česká pirátská strana)
- Johanna Nejedlová (Strana zelených)
The discussion moderator will be Sabina Malcová (Executive Director, DEMAS).