Andréa Papus Ngombet Malewa #Forum2000online Chat

April 30, 2020

The government of the Republic of the Congo (Congo-Brazzaville) does not know how to manage the crisis. The military personnel is robbing businesses during the curfew and people are not respecting the law since they are not provided with the basic needs, says Andréa Papus Ngombet Malewa, activist and 2021 Congolese presidential candidate. There is a risk that extremists take power and close the country as they blame Europe for having imported the virus to Africa. A likely scenario is also growing China’s influence in the region. Beijing is trying to improve its image by offering help and reinforcing anti-western propaganda, especially in the „China-like“ regimes in Africa. To overcome this crisis, we need to bring local businesses, civil society and political leadership together – and of course, we need democracy and transparency to provide socially just solutions.

While watching the video, you can turn on English subtitles.

Forum 2000 Foundation is online in times of pandemic. What will be the impact of COVID-19 on our society,democracy and economy? How are the governments handling the situation in different countries across the globe? Join our #Forum2000online Chat and listen to the interviews with experts, activists, academics and thinkers who are answering what we all want to know.
