The main pillars of the international liberal order have been severely undermined by the pandemic. However, there is also a chance for rejuvenation and new creativity, says Amichai Magen, senior lecturer at the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy at the Interdisciplinary Centre in Herzliya, Israel. This crisis opens a window of opportunity for authoritarian leaders around the world to increase their power and control; therefore, we need to insist upon rollback mechanisms after the crisis. Also, the pandemic challenged the European Union where we now have Hungary as an openly authoritarian member state. The EU, as well as the wider international community, must act upon such developments. We need to find liberal solutions to the core problems of humanity, otherwise, people’s faith is going to shift further in the wrong direction. In Israel, the pandemic arrived in a very difficult moment for Benjamin Netanyahu - it was like a deus ex machina for him.
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