Dear friends,
We would like to thank you for your cooperation and support in the past year. 2018 was full of anniversaries - some joyful (1918), some much less so (September 1938, February 1948, August 1968). And we are expecting another big milestone next year, when the third decade since the end of communism in Central and Eastern Europe will culminate. The Cold War is long gone, the world is enjoying economic prosperity, a consistent decline in global poverty, unprecedented technological progress and - at least in democratic parts of the world - unprecedented levels of individual freedom. We should be celebrating! It is however clear that - paraphrasing Václav Havel’s first presidential New Year’s speech - “our democracy is not flourishing.” This fact is apparent in Freedom House’s annual reports, in election results in different parts of the world, and in conversations with fellow citizens. Democracy, however, is also not collapsing - at least not yet. The year 2019 can therefore offer a symbolic opportunity to think about how to use our freedom wisely in order to avoid wasting it. Let us use this opportunity and make sure that 1989 is for ever considered a joyful anniversary. We at Forum 2000 are looking forward to it!
Merry Christmas, happy holidays and a joyful and free 2019!
Jakub Klepal
Executive Director
Forum 2000 Conference - Take a look back
The Forum 2000 Conference has successfully completed. Read through the five major ideas that emerged from the 22nd annual Forum 2000 Conference, watch our videos or browse our photo gallery.
Festival of Democracy - Take a look back
The Festival of Democracy, the associated program of the Forum 2000 Conference took place on October 5–12, 2018. The goal of all debates, lectures, screenings and cultural events was to inspire public discussion about democracy, tolerance, and respect for human rights and our future. Take a look back to #fedem
NGO Market 2019
The annual NGO Market will take place on Wednesday, April 10, 2019, at Forum Karlín (Pernerova 51) in Prague. The fair will be accompanied by an all-day program including professional lectures and workshops for both NGO representatives and the public.
Democratic Solidarity in Latin America 2019
The Forum 2000 Foundation is organizing the fourth edition of the Conference titled “Democratic Solidarity in Latin America” in Buenos Aires, Argentina on March 13-15, 2019. The Democratic Solidarity conferences seek to further the discussion about peaceful and sustainable democratic transitions, challenges and quality of democracy in the Latin American region.
We are hiring!
Would you like to utilize your skills and abilities for meaningful work? Take a look at our current open positions and join the Forum 2000 Foundation team!