Water in the Middle East 2006
Water in the Middle East: Conflicting Interests and Cooperative Approaches
Time: July 12 - 14, 2006
Venues: Forum 2000 / Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Charles University / Hotel Pyramida
Organizers: Forum 2000 Foundation, Czech Republic, in cooperation with the Community of Energy, Water and Environment (EWE) Study Group, LSE London
List of Participants:
Allan Tony – Kings College / School of Oriental and African Studies, London (UK)
Amjad Urooj – London School of Economics and Political Science, London (UK)
El-Shuraydeh Khaled – Higher Council for Science and Technology, Amman (JO)
Feitelson Eran – Hebrew University, Jerusalem (IL)
Fisher Franklin – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (US)
Karlas Jan – Institute of International Relations, Prague (CR)
Knies Gerhard – Trans-Mediterranean Renewable Energy Cooperation, Hamburg (DE)
Landovsky Jakub – Oregon State University / TFDD, Corvallis (US)
Laster Yuval – London School of Economics and Political Science, London (UK)
Luciani Giacomo – European University Institute, Florence (IT)
Mason Michael – London School of Economics and Political Science, London (UK)
Mor Amit – Eco-Energy Ltd. Herzliya (IL)
Seifter Pavel, (EWE Co-ordination) – London School of Economics and Political Science, London (UK)
Shuval Hillel – Hadassah Academic College / Hebrew University, Jerusalem (IL)
Šnaidauf Jan, (EWaP Co-ordination) – Forum 2000 Foundation, Prague (CR)
Stibitz Michael – GeoMedia, Prague (CR)
Younis Jalal – European Commission / Joint Research Centre, Ispra (IT)
Zeitoun Mark – Kings College, London (UK)
Panel topics:
Managing Water and Energy in the Middle East
Hydropolitical Resilience and Vulnerability in the Jordan Watershed
Power-based Analysis of Transboundary Water Relations
Water Governance Options for Action
The Energy and Water Supply Interrelationship
Deserts as Sustainable Power Houses and Inexhaustible Waterworks for the World
Economic Approach for Optimal Water Management and Conflict Resolution for the Middle East and Beyond
An Israeli Approach to Resolving the Israeli-Palestinian Water Issue
The Role of Virtual Water in Water Resource Management in the Arid Middle East. A Re-evaluation of water food security
General Expectations:
Explore deep-rooted interest conflicts in the core of Middle East water-related problems (consumption patterns / water exploitation, production and recycling / trans-boundary disputes)
Examine the potential of politics aimed at regional integration in the field of water resources management
Get acquainted in detail with the concepts of Virtual Water and Liquid Assets
Examine the role of the context: energy and environmental issues
Brainstorm in order to (a) identify knowledge gaps, produce ideas about steps to be taken and (b) offer suggestions for the EWE project’s program in 2006-2008 and formulate recommendations for the Forum 2000 Foundation’s EWaP project and its forthcoming events.
Current Imperatives of Water Sector Governance and Development in the Middle East
Date: October 8 - 10
Venue: Prague Security Studies Institute
Moderators: Jakub Landovský and Jan Šnaidauf
List of Participants:
Amjad Aliewi, Director-General, House of Water and Environment, Ramallah/Palestine
Khaled El-Shuraydeh, Secretary-General, Higher Council for Science and Technology, Amman/Jordan
Josef Janečka, Executive Director, Ekodo Ltd., Zlin/Czech Republic
Jacob Keidar, Director, Multilateral Peace Talks Coordination Department and Water Issues, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tel Aviv/Israel
Mohamed Rafik Khalil, Ambassador, Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, Egypt
Gerhard Knies, Coordinator, TREC, Hamburg/Germany
Saleh Malkawi, Director, Water Reuse & Environment Unit, Ministry for Water and Irrigation, Jordan
Discussion program:
Unit 1: Equality versus diversity of experience from individual countries: Challenges, issues and solutions in comparison
Unit 2: Lessons learned and ways forward in Middle East water sector governance – through consensus toward conclusions?
Unit 3: Innovative and progressive – examples of projects (presentations with discussion, Gerhard Knies & Josef Janečka)
Unit 4: Issues beyond the scope of water sector administration – identify and overcome obstacles to progress and development
During their presentations at the Expert workshop and the discussions, the participants may want to touch the following questions:
- Regional cooperation in the water sector – is the idea meaningful if based on collective and united agenda? What is the experience with the Arab Water Commission?
- Do water authorities make use of a connection to international investment and funding mechanisms?
- Authorities on the local and national levels: transparent management procedures, good institutional governance and sound knowledge base?
- Is there an integrated administration system including water authorities, which can make competent decisions as to water allocation in different sectors of economy (agriculture, industry, energy, households)?
- Is there reliable data to base such decisions on?
- Is the concept of virtual water as discussed in academic circles a useful and practicable approach?
- Some of the non-renewable water sources (e.g. groundwater aquifers) are coming close to depletion. Is this an unavoidable situation or can the resources be preserved?
- Is the development of new water sources (such as desalination) the only solution in the long perspective or can major schemes of cross-sector water reallocation bear positive results?
- Do water administrations receive enough information about prospective projects in the water sector? Are they involved in their evaluation and the respective political-administrative decision-making?
Water Sector Administration in the Middle East
Date: October 9, 2006
Venue: Knights’ Hall / Rytířský sál, Žofín Palace
Moderator: Jan Šnaidauf, Forum 2000 Foundation
List of participants:
Amjad Aliewi, Director-General, House of Water and Environment, Ramallah/Palestine
Khaled El-Shuraydeh, Secretary-General, Higher Council for Science and Technology, Amman/Jordan
Josef Janečka, Executive Director, Ekodo Ltd., Zlin/Czech Republic
Jacob Keidar, Director, Multilateral Peace Talks Coordination Department and Water Issues, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tel Aviv/Israel
Mohamed Rafik Khalil, Ambassador, Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, Egypt
Gerhard Knies, Coordinator, TREC, Hamburg/Germany
Saleh Malkawi, Director, Water Reuse & Environment Unit, Ministry for Water and Irrigation, Jordan
Concluded with private meeting with H.R.H. El-Hassan bin Talal of Jordan
Middle East Water: Making Regional Politics a Stimulator for Development
Date: October 9, 2006
Venue: Knights’ Hall / Rytířský sál, Žofín Palace
List of particpants:
Boutros Boutros-Ghali, UNESCO, Egypt
Jana Hybášková, European Parliament, Czech Republic
H.E. Petr Jan Kalaš, Minister of Environment, Czech Republic
In attendance:
Václav Havel, Former President of the Czech Republic
Vaira Vike-Freiberga, President of Latvia
Water Sector in the Near East: Needs and Opportunities
Date: December 16 – 17, 2006
Venue: Crowne Plaza - Amman, Jordan
Under auspices of H.R.H. El Hassan bin Talal in cooperation with the Royal Scientific Society of Jordan
List of participants:
- Shaddad Attili, Policy Advisor Water & Environment, Negotiations Support Unit, Palestine Liberation Oirganization
- Fayez Bataineh, Assistant Secretary-General for Planning and Information Technology, Jordan Valley Authority, Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Jordan
- Munther Haddadin, Chairman and CEO, House of Experience, Jordan
- Emad Hassan, Principal Consultant, Nexant Inc., Egypt
- Bassam Hayek, Director, Environment Research Center, Royal Scientific Society of Jordan
- Nuwwar Husseini
- Josef Janečka, Director, EKODO, Czech Republic
- Mohammed Ayman Jarrar, Director, Regulatory Direction, Palestinian Water Authority
- Jakub Landovský, Researcher, Oregon State/Charles University, USA/Czech Republic
- Megan King, Head of Mission, People in Need Foundation Middle East, Jordan
- Munqeth Mehyar, Chairman and Director for Jordan, Friends of the Earth Middle East
- Mohammad Mosa, Environment Research Center, Royal Scientific Society of Jordan
- Philippe Odievre, Executive Director, LEMA Co., Jordan
- Nidal Al-Oran, Environment Research Center, Royal Scientific Society of Jordan
- Jan Šnaidauf, Project Coordinator, Exploring Water Patterns in the Middle East, Forum 2000 Foundation, Czech Republic
- Mohamed Saidam, Environment Research Center, Royal Scientific Society of Jordan
- Abdul Rahman Sultan
- Shimon Tal, Executive Director, Tal Consulting, Israel
- Olga Zárubová-Pfeffermannová, Lecturer, Czech University of Life Sciences
General program:
Introduction: Water in the Region, Major Challenges
Speaker: Munther Haddadin, Former Minister of Water and Irrigation
Session 1: Future Visions and Solutions
Moderator: Olga Zárubová, Czech University of Life Sciences
- Mohammad Saidam, Royal Scientific Society – RSS Perception on Water Quality Monitoring & Resource Management
- Mohammad Mosa, Royal Scientific Society – Red Sea-Dead Sea Project, Socio-economic Aspects
- Nidal Al-Oran, Royal Scientific Society – Red Sea-Dead Sea Project, Marine Environment Aspects
- Solar Water & Power Source for Gaza
- Josef Janečka, EKODO – Northern Solution Involving Lebanon
Session 2: Private Sector and Partnership Opportunities
Moderator: Jan Šnaidauf, Forum 2000 Foundation, Czech Republic
- Emad Hassan, Nexant Inc., Egypt
- Philippe Odievre, LEMA Co., Jordan
Session 3: Shared Water Resources – The Challenges
Moderator: Bassam Hayek, Royal Scientific Society of Jordan
- Fayez Bataineh, Ministry of Water and Irrigation – Planning in the Sector and Usage of Information Technologies
- Shaddad Attili, NSU-PLO – Palestinian thinking of water for a viable Palestinian State–State of Art and way forward
- Shimon Tal, Israel Water Commission – Resources Management Ayman Jarrar, Palestinian Water Authority – Water Regulation in Palestine
- Jakub Landovský, Oregon State/Charles University – Legal Issues
Public lecture: Water Resources Management and Monitoring: the Israeli Experience Water Resources Governance and Management: the Jordanian/Palestinian Experience
Speakers: Shimon Tal, Former Water Commissioner, Israel