Nyaradzo Mashayamombe
Women’s Human Rights Activist
ZimbabweNyaradzo Mashayamombe is a women’s human rights activist, specializing on girls, young women and youth issues and the Founding Director of Tag a Life International Trust (TaLI), a girls and young women’s rights, gender and advocacy group in Zimbabwe currently lobbying for better access to state funded basic education through the campaign Every Child in School #ECIS. Ms Mashayamombe is a media entrepreneur, the Founder and CEO of Identities Media Holdings. Ms. Mashayamombe is also a development consultant, focusing on women’s and youth’s issues, a Board member of the CIVICUS Alliance, a former Board member of the Women’s Coalition of Zimbabwe, as well as the Community Solutions Alumni Board. Ms. Mashayamombe is also a recording artist and poet who has sung and written about young women’s and human rights’ issues.