Joerg Forbrig
Director, Fund for Belarus Democracy, German Marshall Fund
GermanyForbrig is a Senior Transatlantic Fellow for Central and Eastern Europe, and Director of the Fund for Belarus Democracy. He leads the efforts to assist civil society in Belarus, while his analytical and policy work focuses on Europe's East broadly, including the new member countries of the European Union and the EU's Eastern neighborhood. Prior to joining German Marshall Fund in 2002, Forbrig worked as a Robert Bosch Foundation fellow at the Center for International Relations in Warsaw. He has been published widely on democracy, civil society, and Central and Eastern European affairs, including the books Reclaiming Democracy (2007), Prospects for Democracy in Belarus (2006), and Revisiting Youth Political Participation (2005). He is also a regular contributor to major international media, including op-eds in The New York Times, Financial Times, CNN, Politico, EU Observer, Neue Zürcher Zeitung and Süddeutsche Zeitung.