Jerzy Pomianowski

Executive Director, European Endowment for Democracy


Jerzy Pomianowski led the establishment of the European Endowment for Democracy (EED) in 2013 and has since served as its Executive Director. Mr. Pomianowski has worked in international affairs for almost 30 years as the Deputy Foreign Minister of Poland, Director of OECD-UNDP’s Partnership for Democratic Governance, and Poland’s Ambassador to Japan. Mr. Pomianowski began his career as a civil servant in 1990, just after the fall of communism. He oversaw the launch of Poland Aid (2006-2008) and served as Director General of the Polish Foreign Service (2005-2006). Before 1989, Pomianowski was an active member of the democratic opposition in Poland. He was also the Chief-Editor of the Independent Publishing House at the Warsaw University, his Alma Mater.
