Alexandr Vondra
Member, European Parliament
CzechiaAlexandr Vondra is a Member of the European Parliament, Member of the Board of Directors of the Forum 2000 Foundation, and Director of the Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations (PCTR) at the CEVRO Institute in Prague. Mr. Vondra is also a Member of the Advisory Council of the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), and the Honorary President of the Czech Atlantic Commission. Mr. Vondra served as a Foreign Policy Advisor to President Václav Havel, First Deputy Foreign Minister, Ambassador to the U.S., Government Commissioner for 2002 Prague NATO Summit, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs, Minister of Defense, and Senator. In 1989, Mr. Vondra was the spokesman for Charter 77 and co-founder of the Civic Forum.