NGO Market 2018

The annual Non-profit Fair

About the Project

Market of non-governmental organizations is a unique one-day event, which has been growing in size and scope since its inception in 2000. NGOs active in education, volunteering, human rights, environmental and other issues are given an opportunity to present their activities to broad public, establish new partnerships, address potential sponsors and volunteers, and even gain valuable know-how needed for successful NGO-management.

NGO Market 2018

The Stories of Civil Society

On April 11, 2018, the largest nonprofit fair in Central and Eastern Europe, entitled Stories of Civil Society, took place at the premises of Forum Karlín. Nonprofit organizations have a positive impact on the lives of millions and we are pleased to find audience to many powerful human stories. In addition to the traditional non-profit fair, the video presentations of exhibitors formed an integral part of the fair, capturing the strong story of a single person whose life changed positively thanks to the work of the NGO.

A selection of photographs from the NGO Market 2018.

More photographs can be found in the Photogallery

Video spot NGO Market 2018 (only in Czech)

Invitation from Jaroslav Dušek (only in Czech)

The fair has traditionally offered visitors a rich accompanying program full of workshops, seminars and practical demonstrations of work of approximately 250 Czech and foreign non-governmental non-profit organizations and governmental organizations, as well as private companies that share interest in the direction of the civil society development.

At the opening of the fair, Czech actor Jaroslav Dušek invited visitors to a unique exhibition of works of autistic artists "The World with Other Eyes" (Svět jinýma očima). It was followed by the piano concert of the autistic artist Denis Szalbot, who is endowed with an absolute musical hearing. The professional part of the accompanying program was enriched by internet celebrity Kamil Bartošek, aka Kazma, who shared his online marketing know-how with the visitors and who recently founded his own NGO. The public could learn more about training puppy assistant dogs, trying floorball on electric wheelchairs, or engaging in a discussion with experts from the Visegrad four countries devoted to the threats of information warfare and media manipulation. The accompanying educational program was created in cooperation with the Foundation.

Thank you to everyone involved in NGO Market 2018!